
The station is in Buchanan Street, between West George Street to the south and Bath Street, a greater distance to the north.

Entrances and Exits

There are two entrances/exits from Buchanan Street and one from the forecourt west of Queen Street Station.

The main entrance faces north along Buchanan Street. There are two low bollards in the entrance with a glass roof over the escalators. There’s a low approach wall leading south on each side of the entrance. You go up a slope into the area at the top of the escalators and central steps.

The south entrance faces south on Buchanan Street, a few metres north of West George Street. There are two bollards in the entrance and a low approach wall leads north from each side. This is a stairs-only entrance to the station.

Moving walkways and a path lead west from the forecourt outside Queen Street Station into the booking hall, as you turn left into the booking hall, the escalators from the main entrance are to your right.

Local Road Crossings

The crossing of West George Street is just southeast of the south entrance.

This is the junction of Buchanan Street (north/south) and West George Street (east). This is almost opposite the south arm of Nelson Mandela Place.

The posts, with push button and rotating cone are west of the crossing - to your left as you cross to the north.

Note, there is no clear route across Buchanan Street at this point.

Local Buses

We found no bus stops within the scope of this survey.

Local Features

There's a wide range of shops in Buchanan Street, some of which are listed in the Glasgow section of the Describe Online site.

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© 2005, Terry Robinson

This guide is sponsored by
Strathclyde Passenger Transport
to whom we extend our sincere thanks.