There are two lifts between the east corridor and platforms 1 - 2 and 3 - 4, but only one for platforms 6 - 7 which is on the right-hand (west) side of the corridor.
All call buttons, both at concourse and platform level are north of the lift door i.e. to your left as you face lifts on the left-hand side, right as you face lifts on the right-hand side of the corridor.
The call button is recessed with large raised print "lift" on the button itself. The word "lift" also appears in Braille below the button.
A bell sounds as the lift arrives.
Inside the lift, the buttons are on the right-hand side as you enter. From the top: up, down, open doors and alarm. These are all brailled. There's a second alarm button about 30 cm off the floor.
© 2004, Terry Robinson