This is a through station on the main Great Western line which runs approximately east/west. The station is located to the east of the junction with the line to Oxford and thence towards Birmingham or Worcester
This was evidently a bigger station than it is today, with only five platforms in use. These are numbered 1 through 5, going from south to north. Platform 1 is a separate platform, whilst 2 - 3 and 4 - 5 share islands. The remainder of the original station is occupied by The Didcot Railway Centre, which is a museum, accessed via the station.
The station is served by a sindle concourse, from which a passage runs north, as a subway serving each platform and the Didcot Railway Centre. This passage runs under the effective mid-point of each platform.
Lifts and stairs serve each island platform, 2 - 3 and 4 - 5, affording wheelchair access to these. However, there is stairs only access to platform 1.
At the time of our survey, it appeared that platforms 1 and 2 were little used, with mainline trains travelling through at high speed. Trains served platforms 3 - 5, which are shorter than 1 and 2. A member of staff told us that all platforms are bi-directional.
The cafe and toilet facilities are on platforms 2 - 3; continue forwards from the top of the stairs.
The passage from the concourse continues beyond the stairs/lift to platforms 4 - 5 to offer stairs only access to the Didcot Railway Centre.
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© 2003 Terry Robinson