As you go towards the island platform 5 and 6 there's a rail and billboard along the south side. The rail continues, with a gap beyond the billboard, to platform 4. Beyond this gap are two coin and card phone boxes, across the track of platform 5.
Along the middle of this area, going east from the map board beyond the foot of the steps from the concourse.
I-girder Timetable kiosk, Chips and Dips brick pillar, metal gates can close the platforms |
A metal rail runs about ten metres along the edge of platform 6, rather more on platform 5. A gutter runs along each platform, about two metres from the edge. These subsequently join to form a single gutter along the island platform, beyond the end of the covered area.
The following features were noted Along the middle of the island platform.
paper racks and bilboard pillar with carnet validator on each platform map board, across the middle of the island, between these pillars billboard I-girder supporting train information boards Back-to-back benches Billboard station sign I-girder vending machine, on each platform I-girder Back-to-back benches Billboards I-girder station sign I-girder Billboard I-girder station sign I-girder I-girder Back-to-back benches with station sign between I-girder I-girder at the end of the covered area |
Beyond this the two gutters vere towards the middle of the island platform to become one gutter, slightly north of the middle. The island narrows beyond this point to become about two metres wide at the end.
station sign lamp post post with CCTV, on each platform post station sign lamp post station sign lamp post short post station sign |
There's a metal board across the platform. There is also a rail beyond this, most of the way across the island. The board is beside the front door of the train.
On platform 5, if you miss the rail you could go down concrete steps which are not for public access.
You should not use the rear door of the train arriving on platform 5, doors opening on your right. This last door restriction doesn't appear to apply to platform 6 on which the doors will open on your left as you face the front of the train.
Since all services are beyond the front of the trains, we suggest you arrange to be near the front of your train before arrival.
© 2003, Terry Robinson