This bridge brings you into the station, beside platform 2, though there’s a rail between the foot of these steps and the platform. You’ll need to turn left (180 degrees, east) then go beyond the steps before turning left towards platform 2 or right towards platform 3. Note that the remainder of the station can only be reached via platform 2.
There are plenty of pillars and other obstacles behind the steps, so you shouldn’t be able to walk underneath these.
From within the station, you go up 12 then 12 steps going east onto the bridge. There’s tactile flooring at the bottom of these steps, which are divided by a double central rail. There’s also a hand rail to each side.
There are railings across the south end and along the sides. Turn left (north) and continue along the walkway across platform 1 then through metal gates which can close the station. The walkway continues (north), with metal railings on each side, before veering right (northeast). The walkway slopes up, then down to the left at the top of the steps to street level.
Turn left (northwest), go down nine then eight steps, going northwest. There’s tactile paving at the top and bottom of these steps, which are divided by a double central rail. There’s a hand rail to each side and three bollards across the foot of the steps. You’re on the southwest side of Calton Road which curves from northwest to east.
From here, you can continue up the slope, Eventually you reach steps going north then east onto the west side of Leith Street, beyond the scope of this survey.
Note that the directions quoted above are approximate, the turn on the bridge is short of a right angle, whilst that on the steps between Calton Road and Leith Street, seemed to be more than two right angles between the two roads.
© 2010, Terry Robinson