There are six public lifts in this station:
- Between the bridge and platforms 1 and 20;
- Between the bridge and platform 11 (the concourse);
- Between the bridge and platform 10;
- Between the bridge and platforms 8 and 9;
- Between the bridge and long stay car park and
- Between the East Coast Customer Reception and the First Class Lounge.
These lifts provide step-free access between the bridge and all public areas of the station. Note, however, that step-free access to the station is via either access road from the Waverley Bridge into the concourse.
Between the Bridge and Platforms 1 and 20
At Bridge Level
The lift is in a recess at the north end of the main bridge, you go in facing east. The call button is to your right (south) of the dor.
At Platform Level
The lift is at the west end of platform 1 and the east end of platform 20, under the east side of the bridge. You go in facing east, the call button is to your right (south) of the door.
Inside the Lift
There are spoken announcements. There's a control panel to each side. The buttons are arranged in three rows, from the top:
- up = to bridge
- down = to platform
- alarm
- open doors
Between the Bridge and Platform 11 (the Concourse)
At Bridge Level
The lift is in a recess off the east side of the bridge, you go in facing east. The call button is to your right (south) of the door.
At Platform Level
The lift is in the middle of platform 11, opposite the southwest corner of the main building, you go in facing west. The call button is to your right (north) of the door.
Inside the Lift
There are spoken announcements. There are two control pannels on the right-hand (north) side as you go in at platform level, on your left from the bridge. The buttons are arranged in three rows, from the top:
- up = to bridge
- down = to platform
- alarm
- open doors
Between the Bridge and Platform 10
At Bridge Level
The lift is in a recess off the west side of the bridge, opposite the steps down to platform 10, you go in facing west. The call button is to your left (south) of the door.
At Platform Level
The lift is in a recess towards the east end of the platform. You go in facing east, the call button is to your right (south) of the door.
Inside the Lift
There are spoken announcements.
The controls are on the north side, that is to your right as you go in at bridge level, or to your left if you go in from the platform. The buttons are arranged in three rows, from the top:
- up = to bridge
- down = to platform
- alarm
- open doors
Between the Bridge and Platforms 8 and 9
At Bridge Level
The lift is in a recess off the west side of the bridge, opposite the steps down to platforms 8 and 9, you go in facing west. The call button is to your right (north) of the door.
At Platform Level
The lift is at the east end of platforms 8 - 9 W, you go in facing east, the call button is to your right (south) of the door.
Inside the Lift
There are spoken announcements.
There's a control panel to each side. The buttons are arranged in three rows, from the top:
- up = to bridge
- down = to platform
- alarm
- open doors
Between the Bridge and Long Stay Car Park
At Bridge Level
The lift is in a passage which leaves the right-hand (west) side of the bridge, just before the foot of the steps towards the Market Street exit. Note that the steps to the car park are from the top of the first flight of these steps. You go over a distinct lip in the floor, into a passage which turns left. The lift door is in front of you with the call button to your left (east) of the door.
At Car Park Level
You approach the lift via a ramp leading west from a point to your left (south) of the foot of the steps. The ramp leads up (west) with a rail to each side. Turn right (north) at the top, the lift door is in front of you, you go in facing north. The call button is to your right (east) of the door.
Inside the Lift
There are spoken announcements. there's a control panel on each side with the buttons in a column, from the top:
- 1 = bridge
- 0 = car park
- open doors
- alarm
Between the East Coast Customer Reception and the First Class Lounge
At Level 0, Customer Reception
The lift is at the far (west) end of the passage leading away from Reception towards the stairs and lift. You go in facing west. The call button is to your right (north) of the door.
At Level 1, the First Class Lounge
The lift is in a recess beyond (west of) the top of the steps, you go in facing south. The call button is to your left (east) of the door.
Inside the Lift
There are no spoken announcements.
The control panel is on the far (west) side as you come in from ground level and to your right as you come in from the lounge. The buttons are in a single column from the top:
- open doors
- 1 = lounge
- G = reception
- alarm
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© 2010, Terry Robinson