You enter the concourse in the southeast corner, with WH Smith to your right. Turn right to face the platforms.
You enter the concourse via doors in the south side. There are two sets of doors, one near the southeast, the other near the southwest corner. You're facing the entrances to the platforms.
You enter the concourse in the southwest corner. Turn left to face the platforms
You enter the west end of the corridor from which the platform entrances leave to your left.
From either escalator or steps, you enter the south side of the concourse, facing the platforms.
From the escalator or steps, you enter the concourse facing east. Turn left to face the platforms
From the top of the steps, continue to the end of the wall on your right.
Continue forward for platforms 8 to 11.
For other platforms, turn right (180 degrees) and go up the ramp into the concourse. You're now in the middle of the corridor from which the platform entrances leave. The directions below are given as if you were facing back down the ramp.
Continue forward to the edge of the concourse. You're now in the corridor from which the platform exits leave. These entrances serve groups of platforms, from left to right, as follows:
Platforms 16 to 18, from the end of the corridor Platforms 12 to 15, opposite the left-hand side of the concourse Platforms 8 to 11, in the middle Platforms 4 to 7, opposite the right-hand side of the concourse Platforms 1 to 3, near the right-hand end of the corridor |
There is a common entrance to platforms 16, 17 and 18 from the west end of the north side of the corridor. The right-hand (east) side has a glass wall, the left is tiled. A pillar in the centre marks the top of a ramp down, with railings both sides and in the centre. Opposite the bottom of the ramp is an open space with platform 16 to your right.
The central area of this space is reserved for vehicles, with speed humps. Left of the vehicle area is the concrete wall of a ramp up, not for public access.
From the bottom of the ramp, turn 90 degrees left (west) and cross empty space about 20 metres and meet a railing guarding the east side of track 17 barred by a gate some way to the right (north) which is not used by the public. Turn left (south) and then follow the railing right (west) and right again (north) onto a wide island for platforms 17 (right) and 18 (left).
The common entrance to platforms 12, 13, 14 and 15 is off the north side of the corridor opposite the western edge of the main concourse. Both walls retreat to make a broader way, with a blank door in the north facing wall to your right. 5 metres from the corridor is a row of posts marking the top of a broad ramp divided into 5 lanes by north-south railings. At the bottom of the ramp are 5 doors. At the time of our survey only 2 of these were open, but this obviously changes depending on the time of the arrival or departure of trains. Without sight, it is not obvious from the top of the ramp which doors are open and which closed. Behind the doors is an open space with railings both sides. The northern side has a railing in the centre across the ends of tracks 13 and 14 with gaps either side leading down railed ramps to island platforms, 12 and 13 on the right, platforms 14 and 15 on the left.
Go down the ramp into an area before the gates.
There are two ticket sales windows to your left with the gate line in front of you. There's a manual/luggage gate at the left-hand end of the gate line.
Go through the gates into an open space. The northern side has a railing in the centre across the ends of tracks 9 and 10 with gaps either side leading to island platforms, platforms 8 and 9 on the right, platforms 10 and 11 on the left.
The common entrance to platforms 4, 5, 6 and 7 is off the north side of the corridor opposite the eastern edge of the main concourse. Both walls retreat to make a broader way, with a blank door in the north facing wall to your left. 5 metres from the corridor is a row of posts marking the top of a broad ramp divided into 5 lanes by north-south railings. At the bottom of the ramp in the centre is a Costa Coffee kiosk, and just before it the centre railings end, thus allowing access between the centre 3 lanes. The outer lanes, and either side of the kiosk, can be blocked by 4 doors. At the time of survey only the second from the right was open, but this obviously changes depending on the time of the arrival or departure of trains. Without sight, it is not obvious from the top of the ramp which doors are open and which closed. Behind the kiosk is an open space with railings both sides. The northern side has a railing in the centre across the ends of tracks 5 and 6 with gaps either side leading down railed ramps to island platforms, platforms 4 and 5 on the right, platforms 6 and 7 on the left.
There is a common entrance to platforms 1, 2 and 3 from the east end of the north side of the corridor. This leads down a ramp with railings both sides. When the slope levels out the right hand railing recedes at an angle. If you follow this railing you reach the top of some steps down. If you carry straight on however the ramp goes further down, with a railing between ramp and steps. There are 7 steps down and opposite the bottom is a wall. Turning right from the bottom of the steps takes you into a wide area occupied at the time of the survey by a number of lorries, some machinery and a variety of large boxes and other obstacles. It is not advised therefore to come this way.
Carry on down the ramp, the bottom of which opens out into a wide area. Platform 3 is to your left, platform 2 is to your right; whilst platform 1 is further to your right.
For platform 2, bear right (1:30) and continue to the railing or the tactile paving before the edge of the platform.
For platform 1, turn right (east) there is a concrete wall on the right with a blank door, the wall retreats south towards the lorry area previously mentioned. There are several large arches in this south wall.
Bear right (1 o'clock) from the end of this wall and walk approximately 30 metres until you reach the railing guarding the end of track 2. Alternatively carry on straight until you reach the tactile paving near the edge of platform 2 and then turn right (south). At the end of the railing turn left (east) following the railing across the end of tracks 1 and 2. Almost opposite you and slightly right on the far wall is a gated entrance for vehicles, with traffic noise from Eversholt Street. Turn left (north) still following the railing. You are now on platform 1.
© 2004, Terry Robinson