gate line |
down escalator |
staff door barrier jutting northeast, towards manual gate billboards |
up escalator |
At the Foot of the Escalator, you're in a recess from the platform with billboards on the right-hand wall and the wall facing you. The wall facing you extends left across the end of the platform. Turn left onto the platform, you're near the rear of the train.
There's a series of billboards and seats along the wall which is interrupted by the recess to the fire exit, with two pillars in line with the wall.
At the end of the platform is a wall with a blank door. Turn left (180 degrees, southeast) towards the up escalator.
As you move away from the entrance, the wall veers left (south) with billboards, then follows the direction of the platform. The fire exit door is on your left. Beyond this, the wall veers right (east), back to the platform.
© 2005, Terry Robinson