This is a busy station serving trains to Dalmuir, Helensburgh and Milngavie, to the west.
Trains to the east serve:
The island platform is on the curve between Partick (where the line runs north/south) to Anniesland (where it runs east/west). For convenience, we've restricted directions given in this guide relative to the line running east/west.
The platform runs east/west, with platform 1, towards Glasgow, lying north of platform 2.
A bridge provides the entrance from the south, from Churchill Drive, whilst a subway, east of the bridge provides the entrance from the Gartnavel Hospital and housing estate to the north.
There is stairs-only access throughout this station and no step-free access. We therefore believe that this station is accessible to Guide Dog users, yet inaccessible to those using wheelchairs.
© 2007, Terry Robinson
This guide is sponsored by Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS
in support of our guide to the Beatson Oncology Centre
to whom we extend our sincere thanks.