The station is located on the west side of Copland Road which runs north/south, between Woodvale Street to the north and Mafeking Street to the south.
There are two entrance/exits, the main entrance is onto the west side of Copland Road, whilst the second, onto the south side of Woodvale Street is closed except for matches at the Ibrox Park Stadiom which lies to the west of the station.
There are no pedestrian crossings at the junction of Copland Road and Woodvale Street, though traffic did not seem particularly heavy at the time of our survey 1440 hours. Both streets seemed to be heavily parked by day-time workers.
We found no pedestrian crossings on Mafeking Street, within the scope of this survey.
We found no bus stops within the scope of this survey.
Mafeking Street leads west from Copland Road, towards the rear of the Ibrox Park Stadium, details of which lie beyond the scope of this survey.
© 2005, Terry Robinson
This guide is sponsored by
Strathclyde Passenger Transport
to whom we extend our sincere thanks.