The station is bounded to the north by City Square, from which Wellington Street leaves to the west, whilst Boar Lane leaves City Square to the east, leading towards various shopping centres, the main bus and coach station.
Aire Street leaves the southwest corner of City Square, leading southwest forming the limit of the long stay car park, whilst Bishop Gate Street leads south from the southeast corner of the square, from the junction with Boar Lane. This forms the eastern boundary of the station complex, though New Station Street, to the west of this, runs (south) beside the station building before turning left, parallel with the tracks.
An island, east of New Station Street contained bus stops at the time of our survey, though it appeared that these were no longer in use and that this area is being used as the taxi pick-up point.
The southern boundary is the Leeds-Liverpool Canal, which runs at a lower level. Steps to this lower level reach the junction of Bishop Gate Street (which veers southeast at this point) and Neville Street which continues south.
The following were identified during our survey:
A short corridor leads south from the entrance into the concourse.
William Hill, betting pillar in middle Bank of Scotland cash machine slight slope up six pay phones, coin and card corridor opens into concourse |
Bagel Nash slope up vacant Journeys Friend, newsagent floor levels out as you reach the concourse |
From the end of platform 17, continue (west) down the slope, through the gate onto the path. The path, which is over 100 paces long, has rails to the right. At approx half way the floor texture changes to metal floor plates, then returns to the previous flooring.
Follow the rails to the left (south) when the path ends, (if you overshoot this, you find yourself walking on gravel).
Continue south, for a short distance, till you find the rails in front of you. Follow the rail round to the right (west) then to the left (south) and down the steps. Go down 15 then 12 steps, going south and press the door bar to exit. This brings you onto the canal tow path with the water directly ahead. Turn left (east) to an exit onto the footpath towards Neville Street. A right turn will take you further along the canal path, 127 miles to Liverpool, according to a sign we noticed.
Please note that passengers are not permitted to pass beyond the end of the platform and use the fire exit, except when accompanied by a member of the station staff.)
Traffic flows one way, from your right (west). There's good tactile paving. As you face across the road, the post with push button and rotating cone is to your right, whilst another post with no cone is to your left. A building with a sign saying, "www.majestyk.co.uk" is on the opposite side of this road.
As you face across New Station Street, the post with push button and rotating cone is to your right. You cross the bus and taxi lanes, beyond this, going east is the crossing of Bishop Gate Street, which lies beyond the scope of this survey.
There is a post with push button and rotating cone to each side of the crossing. Although this looks like a two-stage crossing, you can go across in one.
On the far (east) side, there's a bike rack and seating area to your right (south).
To reach the lower level, turn right (south) up a slope then down 15 then 16 steps, starting southeast then curving left, to a point south of the junction between Bishop Gate and Neville Streets. Note that these steps are only open from 5 am to 9 30 pm.
This is a Y-junction between Bishop Gate Street (north), Neville Street (south) and Bishop Gate Street veering southeast.
Move slightly to your right from the foot of the steps and locate the tactile paving indicating the crossing. This is a two-stage crossing via a triangular island with posts with push button, but no cone to each side. Having reached the island, bear right to cross the east half of Neville Street, bear left to Cross Bishop Gate Street. These crossings have a post with bush button, but no rotating cone to each side.
Bishop Gate Street has a one-way traffic flow from your right, whilst Neville Street is two-way.
Stop S8, opposite the second set of doors into the Station, serves: 5, 6, 757 and 927.
Stop S7, opposite the Travel Centre door, serves: 44, 44A, 73, 90, 90A
Stop S6, Just north of the Gateway to Yourkshire tourist information entrance, serves: 4, 4A, 16, 16A
The first bus stop serves: 117, 118, 201, 202, 203, 218, 220, 226, 227, 281, 482, 483, X7, X16, X17, X62 and M62.
The second stop, beyond a blank entrance marked by a dip in the pavement, serves: 1, 95, special events services.
As you move (north) from the foot of the steps, you pass a post to your left, a sign with a post to each side, then a lamp post on your right before you reach the shelter.
The bus stop serves: 1, 75A, 95, 446, 447, 448, X15, X41, X48 and X62.
taxi drop-off point, Rail Bus A tactile paving outside gap in wall, catering staff only City House on left pavement narrows from left Rail Bus stop B tactile then gap in wall, emergency exit normally closed entrance to City House lamp post on left railing on right pavement turns right, north across station building |
crossing of New Station Street on right, help point and emergency phone Stop S8, opposite the second set of doors into the Station trolley point on left slope down door to travel centre, bus stop S7 on right Gateway to Yorkshire door 2 phone boxes on left, bus stop S6 on right post juts out from wall on left Executive Gentlemen's Hair Dressing, up two steps post juts out newspaper stand crossing of New Station Street entrance to the Queens Hotel South Side of City Square, Going West
As we follow round to the left, we pass a non-public area of the station and Princes Square is to our right. Aire Street, Southeast Side, Going Southwest
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