In the Concourse
- There's a pillar in the North Concourse, with four phones, outside Olympia Leisure, just to your left as you face the walkway towards the South Concourse.
- There are six pay phones to your right, in the passage as you enter from City Square.
Inside the Gates
There are two phone boxes on the east side of this area, between Upper Crust and the Network Rail offices.
On the Platforms
On Platform 1
There are two separate phones between the start of the platform and the waiting room.
On Platform 8
There are two phones on a pillar on platform 8C just east of the door to the ladies toilets.
On the West Bridge
- There's a pay phone on the north side of the lift to platforms 9 to 11.
- There's a pay phone on the north side of the lift to platforms 12 and 13.
Outside the Station
There are two pay phones on the wall, just north of the entrance to the Gateway to Yorkshire tourist information centre.
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© 2005, Terry Robinson