From the top of the slope towards the start of platform 1, facing the platforms (west), you pass a wall with billboards to your right. Continue, down seven steps, going west onto platform 2.
Move to the left (south) half of the island platform and go down the slope. Note that platform 3 is shorter than 2 and is only divided into A and B sections.
From the foot of the slope to platform 3, you pass a trolley point and 4 seats, then the island platform starts.
wall on left tactile paving near right-hand edge box in middle seats posts along middle barrier on left platform 2B trolley point barrier ends, to give access to platform 3B tactile begins at this point on platform 3 4 seats covered area ends platform 2A and 3A begin about 50 metres beyond the end of the covered area plant pot in middle 2 posts slope off end |
© 2005, Terry Robinson