In the Concourse

The passage leads south from the south side of the North Concourse, between Body Shop and the waiting room.

East Side, Going South

  baby care
fire exit
disabled persons toilet
change machine jutting out

South End

  Turnstiles, common entrance for ladies and gents, 20p fee

West Side

  2 steps up to fire exit jutting slightly east

On Platform 8

The door to the ladies and disabled persons toilets is the last door on your left as you move away from the entrance. Go through the door, the disabled persons toilet is almost straight ahead, the ladies is to your right.

The door to the gents is the first public door as you move away from the entrance, go through the door and turn right.

On Platforms 12 to 15

The door to the ladies is on platform 15, the second door on your left, beyond the foot of the ramp from the waiting room.

The gents is on platform 12, being the third door on your right, beyond the entrance to the waiting room.

The disabled persons toilet is on platform 12, the second door on your right, beyond the entrance to the waiting room.

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© 2005, Terry Robinson