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The Lift Between Platform and Upper Levels, Serving Yates's Wine Lodge

There's an LED display and lift call button to the right of the door at platform level. As you enter facing north at platform level, the buttons are on your right. From the top, these are: up, down, open doors and alarm. At the upper level, the LED and call button are to your left of the door, you enter facing east.

The Lift Between Thorntons and Accessorise

This lift provides access to Metro Link level 1 and the Fairfield Street level 0.

The call button is to your right of the door at all levels. You enter facing west at all levels. At level 1, you arrive on the bridge over the Metro Link tracks, opposite the steps from the arrivals platform; whilst at level 0 you're at the west end of the departures platform.

Inside the lift, the buttons are arranged on two panels on the north side of the lift, such that, as you face the buttons:

The Lifts at the South End of the Platform Level Concourse

These serve the upper level (3), platform level (2) and Fairfield Street level (0). These emerge just inside the west doors from the level 0 concourse.

The call buttons, labelled "LIFT" in raised print and Braille, are in a panel between the lifts, an LED display indicates where each lift is. There are also clear spoken announcements.

Inside the left-hand (south) lift, the control panel with clearly labelled buttons is to your left. As you face the buttons:

Inside the right-hand (north) lift, the control panel with clearly labelled buttons is to your right. As you face the buttons:

The Lift on the East Side of The Bridge Over the Metro Link Track

The call button is to your right of the door at both levels.

Inside the lift, the buttons are to your right, on two panels, such that:

The lift, Facing West, Opposite the Top of the Steps from Platform 14

The call button is to your right of the door at each level. At a higher level, is a small button labelled "intercom". There's also an LED display at head height indicating where the lift is. There are clear spoken announcements.

Inside the lift, the control panel is to your right, with a vertical column of buttons, from the top: Up, Down, Open Doors and Alarm.

The Lift Between the Link Bridge Lounge, Platform 12 and Fairfield Street

This is an accessible lift with buttons at a height suitable for wheelchair users, tactile indications on the buttons, speech and an intercom system to call assistance similar to the accessible lift from the concourse opposite platform 9.

The call button is large and square and to the right of the lift door, while the intercom button is small, round, made of metal and placed between the lift call button and the lift doors. Higher up there is an L.E.D. panel displaying the current location of the lift.

You enter the lift facing east from the Link Bridge Lounge and platform 12, whilst you face west when entering from Fairfield Sttreet.

There are two sets of operational buttons on the north side of the lift, just inside the doors. These are to your left as you enter the lift from the Link Bridge Lounge and platform 12; right from Fairfield Sttreet.

The operational buttons are laid out as follows:

The Lift on the Bridge, Opposite the steps to Platform 8

At each level, The square call button is on the right of the doors and the round intercom button is above it. At approx. 6 feet is the L.E.D display.

The operational buttons are on your right as you enter the lift. From the top, these clearly marked buttons are:

Above the operational buttons is the intercom button.

At platform level, you're on the island platform, between platforms 8 and 9, facing towards the concourse. The route from here is not straightforward. The doors open behind the stairs descending from the bridge. Immediately as you come out of the lift there are metal guide rails to the left and right of the lift doors. There is a slight slope down from the doors to the platform. Beyond the guide rails is a large curved concrete support pillar which you need to go round, followed by steel supports for the descending stairs. Caution is recommended when using this lift.

The Lift on the Bridge, Opposite the steps to Platform 10

At each level, The square call button is on the right of the doors and the round intercom button is above it. At approx. 6 feet is the L.E.D display.

The operational buttons are on your right as you enter the lift. From the top, these clearly marked buttons are:

Above the operational buttons is the intercom button.

At platform level, the doors open onto the island between platforms 10 and 11 facing towards the concourse, behind and to the left of the stairs descending from the bridge. There is a slope down onto the platform and two metal posts in line with the width of the lift doors.

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© 2004, Terry Robinson