There are various shops and kiosks within the concourse and refreshments area.

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© 2004, Terry Robinson

Accessorize In the concourse, the entrance is in the glass wall between the concourse and refreshments area, to your right as you face the right-hand escalator to the first floor level
Argentis, jeweller In the third section of the concourse, opposite the tracks for platforms 7 and 8, near the glass wall of the refreshments area
Bodyshop On the ground floor of the refreshments area, in the middle of the left-hand side as you enter from the concourse
Boots On the ground floor of the refreshments area, in the far left-hand corner as you enter from the concourse
Classi Clean, dry cleaners In the building opposite the entrance from the slip way from Praed Street. The entrance is facing you as you enter the station
Clinique, kiosk selling cosmetics On the ground floor of the refreshments area, between the left-hand entrance from the concourse and the steps up to the Reef Bar
Currency Express In the concourse, the entrance is in the glass wall between the concourse and refreshments area, to your right as you face the right-hand escalator to the first floor level, just before the exit door from the refreshments area. There are also counters in the refreshments area, to your right as you approach the exit
Dixons In the concourse, the entrance is in the glass wall between the concourse and refreshments area, to your right as you face the right-hand escalator to the first floor level. There's also an entrance in the refreshments area, to your right as you enter from the concourse
flower stall On the ground floor of the refreshments area, just to your right of the pillars supporting the lowered ceiling, as you enter from the concourse
kiosks, selling papers etc. On the southwest (platform 1) side of the concourse
Ladbrokes In the building opposite platform 9, occupying the side nearest the platform
luggage shop On platform 12, just before you enter the concourse
Marks & Spencer On the ground floor of the refreshments area, in the far right-hand corner as you enter from the concourse
Monsoon On the ground floor of the refreshments area, in the middle of the far side as you enter from the concourse
Paddington Bear, gift shop In the third area of the concourse, opposite the tracks for platforms 7 and 8, towards the building containing Burger King
Paperchase In the building opposite tracks for platforms 1 and 2, occupying the part furthest from the platforms
Sainsbury's On the ground floor of the refreshments area, in the far right-hand corner as you enter from the concourse. There's also an entrance from the taxi way
Sanity, music shop On the first floor of the refreshments area, between the escalators to the second floor and the entrance from the escalator from the concourse
Sockshop In the building opposite the tracks for platforms 3 and 4, occupying the half nearer the platforms
The Link In the building opposite platform 9, in the far right-hand corner, as you face away from the platform
Tie Rack On the ground floor of the refreshments area, near the far side, as you enter from the concourse, towards the right (near Sainsbury's)
Van Heusen, shirts and ties On the ground floor of the refreshments area. As you enter from the concourse, turn right, past the escalators to the first floor, to find the entrance on your right, after the cash points
WH Smith In the concourse, just on your left as you enter from the slip way from Praed Street