Having entered the station via the main entrance, follow the right-hand side past the two doors on your right, to the ticket sales windows.
If you come in via the south entrance, continue, past the two sets of gates to the Subway in the barrier to your right. As you reach the end of this barrier, the ticket sales windows are in front of you.
There are four windows, partitions jut (south) between these windows, with a final (fourth) partition between the fourth window and the lift to the eastbound mainline platform.
The two windows nearer the main entrance (with a red counter) are for Subway ticket sales, whilst the other two (with a blue counter) are for Scotrail ticket sales.
Holders of concessionary cards (disabled and over 60) are required to buy either a 90P single or £1.30 return concession ticket, whilst blind people with passes are encouraged to collect a free ticket from the sales window. The free tickets are single journey tickets which operate the automatic gates.
© 2009, Terry Robinson