For the westbound, platform 1, enter the station entrance from Hall Road and follow the pavement, between fences to the foot of the ramp. You could take the stairs to your left, up two flights to the front of the 12 and 8 coach trains - turn right at the top and go to the steps from the bridge for four coach trains. Alternatively, follow the ramp up, three slopes, to the foot of the steps from the bridge. For platform 2, turn (180 degrees) up one flight of stairs, turn right up six steps then down six, before turning right again down a flight of stairs onto the platform. Continue forward a few metres to the rear of four coach trains.
For the eastbound, platform 2, follow the right hand side of the station approach from Bradley Way. If the station is unmanned, continue onto the platform, near the rear of four coach trains. Otherwise, turn left at the end of the car park and follow the wall on your right, past the phone boxes to locate the entrance to the concourse. The ticket sales office is to your left and the entrance to the platform is straight in front of you. For platform 1, turn right and continue to the steps. Go up one flight then turn left, up six then down six steps, before turning left again and down a flight of stairs to the platform, near the front of four coach trains.
There is a ticket machine on the outer wall, just beyond the entrance to the concourse and another on the platform, just before you reach the entrance. There are no ticket sales facilities on platform 1.
© 2003 Terry Robinson