The platform is designed for 12 coach trains. The front of 8 and 12 coach trains stops at the east end of the platform. 4 coach trains stop entirely within the covered area.
The open platform has seats and billboards with a row of lamp posts along the middle.
There is tactile paving, under the covered area, some distance from the edge of the platform. A row of pillars runs along the middle of the covered area.
seats barred window digital clock above middle of platform window blank door window barred window with seat in front blank door barred window with seat billboards window seat entrance from concourse help point "I" shaped pillar just beyond this, away from wall Permit to Travel machine barred window station staff door gents toilet, with train information monitors above 2 blank doors billboard west entrance steps going up West to bridge to platform 1, sign on left to London trains |
The open platform continues with no important features.
© 2003 Terry Robinson