steps, divided into three sets by rails |
wall with billboards blank door wall continues into booking hall |
passage into booking hall rear of Transcentre with blank door passage into booking hall |
wall leading from booking hall blank door wall with billboards, to foot of steps |
east passage from south entrance Transcentre west passage from south entrance |
Glasgow map billboard wall juts out phone in recess photo booth recess to phone barrier 3 automatic entrances to inner circle manual gate to/from inner circle 3 automatic exits from inner circle barrier billboards RBS cash point billboards blank door billboards wall with commemorative plaques blank door up escalator, to the square, leading north |
up escalator steps, divided into two sections by centre rail down escalator |
2 blank doors billboards blank door 2 ticket machines billboard barrier 3 automatic entrances to outer circle manual gate to/from outer circle 3 automatic exits from outer circle barrier wall recess to phone photo booth recess to phone blank door blank door; level with the Transcentre |
sculpture, including a post leaning at an angle to the west Glasgow map oriented north/south 3 ticket machines ticket office Transcentre |
The ticket office is an island with the sales window facing north. The counter runs round this island with the Station Supervisor's office door in the south side.
This island is between the two sets of gates.
© 2005, Terry Robinson