If you're travelling via GNER,the train will normally arrive on platform 2, with the doors opening on your left as you face the front of the train. If you're travelling by WAGN, you'll normally arrive on platform 1 with the doors opening on your right.
Go up the steps to the bridge, in the direction of the train, from about the middle of the platforms, the lift is a few metres beyond the main building (behind the steps).
If you're using the steps, go up three flights, in the direction of the train, onto the bridge, turn right then take the turning left into the booking hall. Continue forwards onto the public bridge.
If you need the lift, go beyond the steps and either ask for assistance by pressing the button to your right of the lift door. Alternatively, you can locate the Station Supervisor's office, on platform 1. The lift brings you onto the public bridge on the opposite side to the entrance to the booking hall.
If you're travelling via GNER,the train will normally arrive on platform 3, with the doors opening on your left as you face the front of the train. If you're travelling by WAGN, you'll normally arrive on platform 4 with the doors opening on your right.
The steps to the bridge leave, in the opposite direction of the train, from about the middle of the platforms, whilst the lift is a few metres beyond the main building (behind the steps).
If you're using the steps, go up three flights, in the opposite direction of the train, onto the bridge, turn left then take the turning right into the booking hall. Continue forwards onto the public bridge.
If you need the lift, go beyond the steps and either ask for assistance by pressing the button to your right of the lift door. Alternatively, you can locate the Station Supervisor's office, on platform 4. The lift brings you onto the public bridge on the opposite side to the entrance to the booking hall.
To the Danesgate Pedestrianised Area To the East Side of Lytton Way To Taxis and Buses on the West Side of Lytton Way To the Leisure Centre |
The easiest way to reach the pedestrianised area, including the shopping centre and bus station is via the ramp. Turn left from the booking hall, (or right from the lift) then continue, straight down the ramp. A few metres beyond the foot of the ramp, you cross a cycle way bounded by bollards. Beyond this, you're in the pedestrianised area with the bus station to your right and the shopping centre in front of you and to your left.
Details of these facilities lie beyond the scope of this survey.
Turn left from the booking hall, (or right from the lift) and continue onto the open bridge, across Lytton way. You're looking for the second set of steps down to your left. Go down three flights of 12 steps onto the east pavement of Lytton Way.
At the time of our survey, we found no features of interest near the station, on this stretch of pavement.
Turn left from the booking hall, (or right from the lift).
You're looking for the first set of steps down to your right or left. The right-hand steps are easier, though you have to cross the taxi entrance beyond the foot of the steps.
Turn right from the bridge, go down a flight of steps then turn right (180 degrees) and down two more flights of steps to pavement level. Continue forward, across the taxi entrance road onto the island. Move to the left of the building in front of you for the taxi pick-up point, right for the bus stop.
Note the pavement beside the taxi rank is narrow with two benches jutting out into it from the wall, just before the pick-up point.
Turn left from the bridge, go along a short passage then down a series of 12 pairs of steps with a slope between each. Some people may find these awkward.
At the bottom, turn left (180 degrees) towards the taxi rank, or right (180 degrees) towards the bus stop.
Turn left from the bridge, into the first passage and locate the lift door to your left.
At pavement level, turn left towards the bus stop, or right (following the building round) towards the taxi rank. Note that the pavement beside the taxi rank is narrow, with two benches jutting out into it.
Turn right from the booking hall, (left from the lift) and continue through the doorway in front of you, onto the open bridge.
Take the turning left, go down one step, turn right then go down a flight of steps before turning right again and down another flight of steps to pavement level. Turn left here and follow the path towards the leisure centre. Details of this facility lie beyond the scope of this survey.
Turn left at the bottom, then go to your right round the rail in front of you before turning left again down the second section of the ramp. Turn right at the foot of the ramp and follow the path toward the leisure centre.
Details of this facility lie beyond the scope of this survey.
© 2005, Terry Robinson