This page describes routes from the Danesgate pedestrianised area via the ramp, via steps from the east pavement of Lytton Way, via lift or steps from the bus stop and taxi rank on the west side of Lytton Way and via steps or ramp from the Kings Park Leisure Centre.
From the Danesgate Pedestrianised Area From the East Side of Lytton Way From the Bus Stop and Taxi Rank on the West Side of Lytton Way From the Kings Park Leisure Centre |
Going west from the pedestrianised area, you cross a cycle way with bollards on each side. As you continue west, you're on a wide pavement from which the ramp, about two metres wide leaves from near the right-hand side; beside the car park. We recommend you use the ramp, as the steps are more difficult to find. Beyond the cycle way, follow a low wall to your right, past a bin; then a sand bin. Having passed the sand bin, move about two metres left then continue west up the ramp. There's a post on each side of the foot of the ramp supporting a sign saying “To Trains”.
Continue forward from the top of the ramp. You go under a covered section, then out into the open air as you cross Lytton Way, then you enter the covered area outside the station. You're looking for the entrance to the booking hall, on your right.
Continue Through the Booking Hall
From pavement level, go up three flights of 12 steps, going south, onto the bridge then turn right. You cross Lytton Way then enter the covered area outside the station. You're looking for the turning to your right, into the booking hall.
Continue Through the Booking Hall
The bus stop and taxi rank are on an island separated from the main pavement by the taxi entrance road. You can reach the bridge via the lift, or the more difficult set of steps from this island or cross the taxi entrance road and use the easier steps.
Turn right from the bus (or left from the taxi) and follow the building to the end, this is the foot of the steps. Turn back and go up 12 pairs of steps separated by a slope, go through a short passage onto the bridge then turn right. Take the turning right into the booking hall.
Continue Through the Booking Hall
Continue Through the Booking Hall
Turn left from the bus and locate the door to the lift in the right-hand wall. If you find the down kerb, you've overshot.
Turn right from the taxi and follow the building round to your left, then left again to locate the door to the lift in the wall to your left.
At bridge level, turn right into the short passage, right again onto the bridge then take the turning to your right into the booking hall.
Although the lifts to the platforms are on the opposite side of the walkway, you'll need to ask for assistance from staff.
At platform level, on the island platform 1 and 2, platform 1 is to your right, you're near the front of the train. On platforms 3 and 4, platform 3 is to your right, you're near the rear of the train.
Whilst we noted exits from the leisure centre onto the bridge, the details of these lie beyond the scope of this survey.
You leave the leisure centre via a well-defined path leading east, with the car park to your left. This path leads between the steps (to your right, south) and the ramp (to your left, north).
If you use the ramp, continue (north) to the rail at the top, then turn right (180 degrees, moving round the rail in front of you) and continue (south) onto the bridge, turn left, continue through the doorway and take the turning left into the booking hall.
If you use the steps, go up a flight of steps going south, turn left (east), go up another flight before turning left again (north), up one step onto the bridge. Turn right, continue through the doorway then take the turning left into the booking hall.
If you need to buy a ticket, the GNER travel centre is the first doorway to your left and the ticket sales windows for WAGN services are towards the end of the left-hand wall.
Continue, from the booking hall, via the exit (divided into two by a pillar) onto the bridge.
Turn right for platforms 1 and 2, take the turning left, go down three flights of steps onto the island platform. Platform 1 is to your right, you're about in the middle of the platform. Note the low clearance, about two metres, towards the bottom of the first flight.
Turn left for platforms 3 and 4, then take the turning right, go down three flights of steps onto the platform. Platform 3 is to your right, you're about in the middle of the platform. Note the low clearance, about two metres towards the bottom of the first and second flights.
© 2005, Terry Robinson