There is lift access throughout this station, from Level -2 (the First Capital Connect platform level) to Level 1, (the Eurostar, High Speed 1 and Midland Mainline platforms).
The general layout of these lifts is the same, with the level select buttons being above the open and close doors, then the alarm below these. There's also an alarm button near floor level. The instruction, "press alarm button for three seconds and don't speak whilst the operator is speaking" is clearly displayed and there are clear spoken announcements.
There are two lifts in the main passage, the north lift is south of the first (north) set of escalators. We understand you can enter/leave this lift via either door at Level 0, but can only enter/leave at Level 1 via the south door.
The south lift is between the stairs and the entrance to the Underground station. You can only enter/leave this via the north door (opposite side to the Underground entrance) at Level 0 and enter/leave via the south door at Level 1.
The lift between Level -1 of the Underground station, the Level 0 and High Speed 1 platforms at Level 1 is just inside the Northeast entrance from Pancras Road. You enter via the south door at Levels -1 and 0, but via the north door at Level 1.
There's a lift from the departures hall to each island platform. These are code operated by staff. There's a single lift from Level 1 to Level 0 in the arrivals area. This too is code operated by staff.
There's a lift from Level 0, in the far left-hand corner of the space behind the gate line as you enter this area. This lift takes you from Level 0, to the bridge at Level -1 and to platform A, southbound at Level -2. You enter/leave this lift via the south door at Level 0 and enter/leave via the north door at lower levels.
The lift serving the northbound, Platform B is on the other (west) side of the bridge, you enter and leave via the south door at each level.
© 20089 Terry Robinson