As you choose to use the lift to leave this platform, we assume you'll only need lift access to the others, where available.
The lift door is at the end of the main waiting room building, facing the rear of the train.
Locate the main waiting room, in the middle of the platform and go to the lift door. The call button is to your right as you face the door.
At subway level, leave via the other door and turn left. Follow the passage to your right into the subway then turn right.
To Platforms 7 - 8 via the Lift To Platforms 9 - 10 via the Lift To Platform 11, via Stairs |
Following the right-hand wall. Pass the turning to your right and locate the first lift door. The call button is to your left as you face the door.
At platform level, go out through the same door. Platform 7 is to your left, 8 to your right. You're about in the middle of the train. The waiting room building is in front of you, follow the building, in either direction, to locate the automatic doors.
Follow the right-hand wall, past the turning to your right and locate the second lift door. The button is to your left as you face the door.
At platform level, leave via the same door. Platform 9 is to your left, 10 to your right. You're about in the middle of the train. The waiting room building is in front of you, follow the building in either direction to locate the automatic doors.
Continue to the end of the passage and turn right. Go up two flights of stairs. Note, at the top, don't turn right as this leads to a disused section of platform next to a vacant track bed!
Turn left and continue, along a path between two wooden fences. When you reach the end of the fence, you may notice a wooden-sounding surface, you're on the platform. The tactile paving marking the platform edge is in front of you and the slope onto the tracks is to your right. Turn left onto the platform, there's a shelter on your left, after a few metres.
© 2003, Terry Robinson