As you choose to leave these platforms via the stairs, we assume you'll only need stairs access to the others.
The stairs to the subway leave from the end of the waiting room nearest the rear of the train on platform 9 (front on platform 10).
Locate the waiting room, in the middle of the platform and enter via the automatic doors. From platform 9, go forward about three metres to pass the snack bar, before turning right towards the stairs. From platform 10, turn left towards the stairs.
Go down two flights of stairs into the subway.
To Platforms 1 - 4 via Stairs To Platform 6 via Stairs To Platforms 7 - 8 via Stairs To Platform 11, via Stairs |
Cross the passage, turn right and take the first turning left. Go up two flights of stairs into the waiting room. Continue forwards, to the blank door in front of you, turn right, pass the recess and turn left, through the automatic door, into the passage, beside the lift. Continue past the end of the building on your right.
The ends of the track beds serving platforms 1 - 4 are guarded by metal rails. There's a rail beyond the track serving platform 1 (furthest right), another across the tracks serving platforms 2 - 3 and a third across the track serving platform 4. This last extends across the empty track bed adjacent to platform 6.
Bear right, beyond the end of the building (1 o'clock) to locate the rail from platform 4. If you find a step up leading onto gravel, you're too far to the left.
Locate the gap you want, onto platforms 3 - 4, then 1 - 2. You're behind the rear of the train.
Turn right, take the first turning right, continue to the wall and turn right again. Go up two flights of stairs into the waiting room. At the top, bear right (1 o'clock) and go through the automatic doors, you're about in the middle of the platform. Alternatively, turn left at the top of the stairs and go through the automatic door at the end of the waiting room, you're heading towards the front of the train.
Turn right and take the first turning right. Go up two flights of stairs into the waiting room.
As you stand at the top of the stairs, platform 7 is to your left, 8 to your right. Move forwards about two metres then turn and go through the automatic doors onto the platform. You're about in the middle of the train.
Turn left, continue to the end of the passage and turn right. Go up two flights of stairs. Note, at the top, don't turn right as this leads to a disused section of platform next to a vacant track bed!
Turn left and continue, along a path between two wooden fences. When you reach the end of the fence, you may notice a wooden-sounding surface, you're on the platform. The tactile paving marking the platform edge is in front of you and the slope onto the tracks is to your right. Turn left onto the platform, there's a shelter on your left, after a few metres.
© 2003, Terry Robinson