The front of the train is at the door to the Station Supervisor's office.
Wall with a blank door at the east end, at an angle, running northeast/southwest, There is a sharp metal sign sticking out at face height. The wall doesn't reach the platform edge, there is a slope onto the tracks east of the wall.
There is a yellow line near the edge of the platform but no clear tactile markings - keep close to the buildings.
A row of pillars runs along the middle of the platform, up to the beginning of the island, shared with platform 1. From this point, there are two rows of pillars to the end of the covered area.
Blank door with "danger" blank door door to toilets, ladies and gents, closed at the time of our survey. There is a circular sign in the middle of the door blank door Station Supervisor's office |
Digital clock above middle of walkway bench Irregular shaped Expresso bar row of benches |
blank door |
cycle rack |
blank wall juts out (south) then continues along platform waiting room with door facing onto platform blank door |
The platform widens here, before the east end of platform 1.
2 vending machines, just beyond first pillar on north side back to back seats with train timetable board between them help point, to west of timetable steps to bridge, going up to west, pillar either side |
window gap to platform 1 wall with 2 billboards and blank door gap to platform 1 seat with wall behind |
The covered area finishes about 8 metres beyond this.
The open platform with posts and signs along the middle continues to a slope off the west end.
© 2003 Terry Robinson