The station is located between Station Road (running north/south) to the east and the city ring road (also north/south at this point) to the west.
The main entrance, four pairs of automatic doors, faces out east onto a covered forecourt which includes the taxi rank and bus stops. The forecourt is bounded to the east by Station Road, whilst walls jut out from the station building at the north and south ends of the covered area.
Three bus stops are on a paved island between Station Road and the slip road whose entrance is at the south and exit is north of the forecourt. The slip road is divided into two lanes. The west lane is the taxi rank, used by taxis associated with the station, whilst the east lane is for private vehicles and other taxis.
A zebra crossing with tactile paving, leads east from a point between the two middle pairs of doors from the station, across the two lanes of the slip road, onto the paved island. There are no kerbs, however there is tactile paving at each end of the crossing and also across the island between the two lanes. You need to be careful as this is not very distinct.
From the west end of the bridge, you go down 4 x 8 steps, going north, there's tactile paving at the bottom. This brings you onto a path with a fence on each side. You go up a slope, turn left then down 6, 7 and 7 steps, going west. To your left is Leeman Road car park, before the National Railway Museum and a major ring road round the city centre, beyond the scope of this survey.
There was considerable work in progress around this station at the time of our survey. We understand that there is to be a pedestrian crossing of Station Road, leading east from the north (bus stop C) of the paved island. We'll include details of this when they become available.
There's tactile paving, but no pedestrian control of crossings from the island:
The paved island between the forecourt and Station Road has a row of three bus stops on the kerb side.
four double entrance automatic doors pot plant newspaper stall British Transport Police four phones, two facing north, two facing south, sticking out trolley point |
post box gap to open pavement |
door to Coopers, bar entrance to short stay car park, tactile paving but no pedestrian crossing Royal York Hotel on north side of entrance |
Station road continues north, with a pavement on the west side towards the city centre.
3 plants trolley point four phones two facing north, two south wall juts out, as the south wall of the forecourt the wall then retreats to the original line blank wall entrance to long stay car park |
Opposite the end of the south wall, tactile paving leads to a crossing onto a paved island, between the entrance to the taxi rank and that for the car park. From the north (left-hand) end of this island is the crossing of the taxi rank entrance, onto the island with the bus stops, whilst to the south is the crossing of the car park entrance onto the pavement which leads to Blossom Street and Micklegate.
post with signed directions back through gap into forecourt exit from taxi rank is just north of the wall pick-up for station taxis rail beside taxi rank, queue from south drop-off for station taxis Back Links© 2006, Terry Robinson This guide is sponsored by all who supported our online guide to Sight Village 2005, |