There’s tactile matting in the southwest corner of the foyer, between the two entrances. There is no tactile, however, outside the entrance from the concourse.
The main entrance from the foyer leads south into an L-shaped space with the customer service desks along the south side and the fast ticket area in the north arm, to your right (west).
The second entrance, leading west from the foyer brings you into the north arm, with the fast ticket machines to your left and the exit into the concourse in front of you.
You enter going south then turn left (east) beyond the barrier into the queuing system for advance bookings, reservations and rail cards.
Outside (north of) this queuing area, going east, you pass windows to your left before you reach windows looking onto the forecourt with plants and seats before them. A rail juts out south to your right of the entrance door.
You enter from the foyer, going south, then turn right (west). Follow the barrier on your left and go round the end to start queuing, facing east for today's bookings.
At the west end of the customer services desks, outside the queuing system is a variable height desk with a call button for wheelchair users, there's also an induction loop. This desk provides all services for those with special needs and can be used as a mainstream service desk during busy times.
West of the customer service desks, on the south side, are six fast ticket machines, The first of which is lower than the others. These machines are mounted around the southwest corner of this space.
entrance into concourse, automatic door opening inwards rail juts east wall second door into concourse, automatic opening inwards |
leaflets timetables |
© 2006, Terry Robinson