The stance area is a rectangle, located east of the main building, around which the 57 stances, numbered clockwise, are arranged in four blocks, which we'll call:
The two bus access roads leave near the southeast corner, between stances 32 and 33, whilst the taxi rank is outside the rectangle, north of stance 1.
Each stance, except those in the east block which serve tourist and inter-city services, has a unit with a push button about 90 cm off the ground. Pushing the button causes the stance number and the next departure followed by the current time to be spoken.
As it wouldn't be useful to adopt our normal approach to listing features within a space, since these tend to be repeated successively across the stances in each block, we will explain the common features throughout each block and highlight differences between blocks, for example, the location of audio units in stances varies between blocks.
The car park and taxi rank are along the north side of the stance area, the taxis use the south side of this parking area.
From the foot of the west steps from Cowcaddens Road, there's a short open area west of the car park then a covered walkway beside the doors to the concourse, to the west.
bike parks glass windows opening to taxis and bus stances |
vending machines windows walkway between the west block of stances and the concourse building |
There's a REACT beacon outside the doors to the concourse, directing you through automatic doors: left to information, toilets straight ahead.
From the north exit on the east side of the concourse, you cross the walkway before finding the taxi rank to your left, taxis move west, take the first one.
The glass windows to your right are at the north end of the high numbered stances. There are 4 pillars along the middle of the walkway beside the taxi rank.
As you move away (east) from the concourse, you go down a slight slope towards stance 1. On the south side of the taxi rank are seats against the glass windows, for stance 1, which is offset slightly south from the remainder in this block.
Buses park facing northeast, with the door at the exit to each stance.
Beyond stance 1, you enter a covered walkway, the left wall of which is interrupted by the east entrance from Cowcaddens Road, in the middle of stance 10, there's an information board opposite this entrance and two vending machines to your left as you enter the walkway.
Each stance has a glass wall to the south, the bus door will be at the east end of this, you turn southeast to face the door.
Stances 2 - 22 have seats against the south wall and against the rail running along the north side.
Except for stance 1, which has no rail, there's a gap in the rail in the northwest and northeast corner of each stance. The audio unit is located in the northeast corner of each stance, i.e. on the pillar at the start of the covered walkway beyond stance 1 and at the ends of the dividing rails between other stances in this block. The push button is on the near (west) side of each unit.
The north wall juts south at the east end of the walkway through the north block of stances. This is the west wall of the passenger lounge building whose entrance is in the south wall. Beyond (east) of this entrance is the door to a disabled persons toilet. There's a REACT beacon directing customers towards the bus station building.
Continuing east, you reach the entrance from North Hanover Street which was closed by metal gates at the time of our survey.
The two bus stances to the south of the passenger lounge are not numbered and have no audio information units.
As you continue south from the passenger lounge, past metal gates from North Hanover Sttreet to your left, you go into a covered walkway past stances 23 to 32. None of these stances have audio information units.
Buses park facing east.
There are print information boards on 2 pillars at the south side of each stance. At the west end is a glass partition with the exit in the middle of each stance.
There are two pillars in the walkway, the north one is north of stance 25, whilst the south is south of stance 26.
There's a brick wall with pillars on the east side of the walkway. At the south end of the walkway is a metal gate which can close off the station from Killermont Street.
You're more likely to reach these via the south exit from the concourse, continuing east towards stance 47, though since they're numbered 33 to 47 from east to west, we'll explain the route from the east entrance into the stance area from Killermont Street which is next to the bus access roads. Turn north from Killermont Sttreet then left (west) into the walkway.
There's a sign board before stance 33. Buses park facing southwest so you veer right as you reach the end of the stance.
There's a glass window on the north side of each stance with the exit to the west of this. Two sets of seats, running east/west lie between this and the rail, which runs along the south side, between the stance and the walkway.There's a gap in the rail at each end of each stance area and the stances are separated by rails running north/south. The audio information unit is at the south end of the rail to the west of the stance, i.e. in the southwest corner with the push button on the near (east) side of the unit. The south rail of stances 41 and 42 is partially blocked by an information board.
There's a series of pillars along the south wall of the walkway. This wall is interrupted in the middle of stance 41 by the middle entrance, with a bollard, onto Killermont Street. There's a REACT beacon outside this entrance.
You can reach this from the west entrance from Killermont Street, going north up a slight slope into the covered area, or from the entrances on the east side of the concourse.
As you enter from Killermont Street, the wall on your left (west) retreats to automatic doors into the southeast corner of the concourse. Buses park facing west, in this area.
There's a rail along the west side of each stance, go through the gap to the south of each rail into the stance.
glass partition of stance 48, east/west back-to-back seats, east/west, in middle of this stance board with audio information unit on east side of pillar. back-to-back seats separating stances this pattern is repeated through this block |
The audio units are at the south side of each stance ending in stance 57, with the push button on the far (north) side of the unit.
North of stance 57 is an area with a sign board on the south side and a back-to-back seat between here and stance 57. Beyond this is a glass partition beside the walkway from the north entrance, towards stance 1 and taxis.
2 cash machines kiosk entrance from Killermont street |
southeast entrance from concourse |
3 vending machines seating area, not associated with a stance |
The west side of the walkway has five entrances to the concourse. These consist of automatic doors with an emergency push door to the north. These are opposite stances 47, 50, 54, 57 and the walkway to the taxi rank.
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