This guide explains how to reach the Burrell Museum via public transport and describes the layout of the public areas of the building.
The building contains many examples of visual and tactile fine art, dating from ancient Egyptian times to the 20th century and, whilst no attempt is made to describe this in detail, we hope to rouse readers' interest sufficiently to attract you to visit the museum. The information given in this guide is intended to complement that which is already available in the Museum and on the Glasgow City Council Site.
Unfortunately, of necessity, much of this work is shielded by glass, so it is recommended that, if you have a significant vision impairment, you be accompanied by a sighted person. Staff provide regular guided tours of the museum.
An audio cassette describing part of this tour is available from the enquiry desk and tactile/audio descriptions of some paintings provided by The Living Paintings Trust are also available on request.
Some of the bronze statues and other tactile exhibits can be touched, though you're requested to wear the latex gloves supplied from the enquiry desk when doing this.
The museum is situated in Pollok Park, the main entrance of which is about 100 metres from Pollokshaws West rail station and a few metres from bus stops on each side of Pollokshaws Road. You can also catch the courtesy bus, from just inside the park entrance to the Museum and Pollok House.
How to Reach the Museum The Layout of the Building The Audio Tour |
The Enquiry Desk The Shop The Cafe and Restaurant The Lift Public Toilets |
© 2005, Terry Robinson