
The Main Entrance to the Centre is on the south side of Gullane Street (east/west). Anderson Street (north/south), with fire exits from the building, plus the Side Entrance to Cafe Tiki and Resource Centre is on the west side of the building. Note that Anderson Street is blocked to traffic at the south end. The main road, Beith Street (east/west), is on the south side of the building. There's a small staff car park along the east side.

Describe Online has published an online guide to Partick Station, which also includes details of the adjacent bus station.

From Where?

  From the Bus Station
From Partick Station

From the Bus Station


You could turn back beyond the rear of the bus, cross the exit from the Morrisons car park, turn right along the island then cross the car park entrance to the pavement outside the Morrisons building. There are no dropped kerbs at either of these crossings and the island includes a trolley park and other obstacles. Note also that if you just continued across the island and crossed Vine Street before turning right, the pavement is obstructed after you've passed the shop window.

We therefore suggest you continue beyond the front of the bus then turn left to the shops and left again. This is a bit longer, but may actually be easier in practice.

See the Environs page of our guide to Partick Station for details of the layout of the Bus Station and shop building.

The Preferred Route

From Stance 3, you pass Stance 2 then Stance 1 before turning left. The car park is to your left with a tree near the edge of the pavement. Continue to the corner of the shop building then turn left.

Continue to the end of the building (Vine Street) then turn right. There's a dropped kerb, with no tactile paving, near this corner which leads to an unmarked crossing towards the school car park. Continue to the tactile paving before turning left to cross Vine Street. This is a zebra crossing with no other pedestrian control.

Having crossed Vine Street, turn left then continue for about two metres before turning right onto the path towards Anderson Street. You go up a slight slope, note there's a bollard in the middle of this path near the far end.

Turn right, along Anderson Street, following the right-hand side, till you reach the next path. This leads to another unmarked crossing of Vine Street which is of no use to us here. Turn left, across Anderson Street, into Gullane Street. As Anderson street is blocked to traffic at the right-hand end, there is very little traffic here.

Find the right hand kerb then continue up the ramp to the automatic entrance door on your right. As you go through this door, you should hear an audio message welcoming you to the Centre. Continue up a slight slope then go through another automatic door into the Reception Area. The desk is in front of you.


From Partick Station


Describe Online has published a guide to Partick Station.

Note that the Main Entrance is opposite the pavement of the Bus Station. If you leave via the Main Entrance, you need to bear right across Merkland Court, to the corner of the shop building. It may actually be easier to go out via the South Entrance, then turn left and continue to the corner of the building. See the Environs page for details.

The Preferred Route

Leave the station via the South Entrance, turn left and continue to the corner of the shop building. Move left, if necessary onto the pavement beside the car park.

Continue to the end of the building (Vine Street) then turn right. There's a dropped kerb, with no tactile paving, near this corner which leads to an unmarked crossing towards the school car park. Continue to the tactile paving before turning left to cross Vine Street. This is a zebra crossing with no other pedestrian control.

Having crossed Vine Street, turn left then continue for about two metres before turning right onto the path towards Anderson Street. You go up a slight slope, note there's a bollard in the middle of this path near the far end.

Turn right, along Anderson Street, following the right-hand side, till you reach the next path. This leads to another unmarked crossing of Vine Street which is of no use to us here. Turn left, across Anderson Street, into Gullane Street. As Anderson street is blocked to traffic at the right-hand end, there is very little traffic here.

Find the right hand kerb then continue up the ramp to the automatic entrance door on your right. As you go through this door, you should hear an audio message welcoming you to the Centre. Continue up a slight slope then go through another automatic door into the Reception Area. The desk is in front of you.



© 2013, Terry Robinson