The building is an irregular shape, with the main entrance into the Lower Ground floor in the north side. There are two entrances at Ground Floor level, the rear entrance to the south and the North Entrance, above the Main Entrance.
The Museum is established on three levels, the Lower Ground, Ground and First Floor.
There's considerable east/west symmetry throughout which may aid understanding.
We consider the building as a whole as being divided into three sections, east, central and west.
The three sections of the building are distributed through the three floors.
AT Lower Ground Floor level, the east area contains the Restaurant, the central area contains the Shop and Reception, whilst the west is the Campbell Hunter Education Wing. The RBS Exhibition Gallery extends across the south side of the building at this level.
At Ground Floor level, the east section comprises the East Court, surrounded on three sides by galleries, the central section is the Main Hall plus the foyers inside each entrance, whilst the west comprises the West Court also surrounded on three sides by galleries.
At First Floor level, all three sections surround atria from the Ground Floor. The east and west sections are surrounded on three sides by galleries, whilst the central section includes the principal section of the Picture Promenade to the south with the Study Centre and organ to the north.