
Despite the controversy, the main entrance is on the north side of the building, offering step-free access to the Lower Ground Floor. There's also stairs access to the Ground Floor Entrance on this side.

The rear entrance is on the south side, offering lift and stairs access to the Ground Floor.

Four of the entrances to Kelvingrove Park are included in this guide:

The Museum is within easy reach of Kelvinhall Subway Station and local buses. Describe Online has published an online guide to The Glassgow Subway System, including Kelvinhall Subway Station.

There are two bus stops, on the north side of Argyle Street, a few metres west of the entrance to the forecourt outside the rear entrance and one on the south side of Argyle Street, in Regent Morray Street, opposite the rear entrance to the Museum.

Visit the Environs Page of this guide for details of how to reach Kelvingrove Park from the Subway and local bus stops.

To Reach the Main Entrance and Ground Floor Entrance on the North Side

From the Subway

Turn left at the first crossing of Argyle Street, into the park and take the path to your right. Follow the right-hand side of the path (cars park on the other side) until you find the hedge to your right. Cross the path here, turn left and follow, round the end of the wall on your right, then continue, following the path, to the north side of the building.

Note that the first turning to your right on this side leads to the pavilion of the Campbell Hunter Education Wing. After reaching the forecourt outside the main entrance, you can either take the steps up to your right, to ground floor level, or continue past these to the main entrance.

The main entrance has a central revolving door and manual doors to each side of this. As you enter the building, you're on the Lower Ground Floor level, continue off the tactile matting then turn right towards the Reception and Information desk.

If you want to use the Ground Floor entrance, go up seven steps, turn left, then up 18 steps to the balcony outside the entrance. locate the steps to your right and go up six steps. There are three sets of doors in front of you. The right-hand set was locked at the time of our survey, the middle set (preferred) takes you through a lobby and another set of doors into the North Foyer, whilst the left-hand set takes you directly into the North Foyer.


From Local Buses

We think it would be easier to follow Argyle Street into Sauchiehall Street then follow the vehicle access way towards the building. This passes the coach drop-off point along the east side, from here you can follow the path round, to your left, towards the main entrance.

From the South Side of Argyle Street

Get off at the stop in Regent Morray Street, turn left and locate the crossing of Argyle Street, just west of the junction with Sauchiehall Street. This is a single-stage crossing, with push buttons and rotating cones to your right as you cross in either direction. Continue towards Sauchiehall Street.

From the bus stops on the North Side of Argyle Street

Get off at either of the stops just west of the main entrance.

Turn right and follow the road into Sauchiehall Street and take the first turning left. This runs parallel to the east side of the building, so you can follow the pavement round to your left, across the north side, until you reach the forecourt outside the main entrance. You pass the steps, to your left, towards the First Floor entrance, before you reach the main entrance itself.

The main entrance has a central revolving door and manual doors to each side of this. As you enter the building, you're on the Lower Ground Floor level, continue off the tactile matting then turn right towards the Reception and Information desk.

If you want to use the Ground Floor entrance, go up seven steps, turn right, then up 18 steps to the balcony outside the entrance. locate the steps to your left and go up six steps. There are three sets of doors in front of you. The right-hand set was locked at the time of our survey, the middle set (preferred) takes you through a lobby and another set of doors into the North Foyer, whilst the left-hand set takes you directly into the North Foyer.


From the West Side of Kelvin Way

Turn left (west) onto the path between a well marked crossing and the bridge, then follow the left-hand pavement. Cross the road leading left (south), this brings you onto the path which runs across the north side of the building - beware the bike racks. Continue (west) until you reach the forecourt outside the main entrance. You pass the steps, to your left, towards the First Floor entrance, before you reach the main entrance itself.

The main entrance has a central revolving door and manual doors to each side of this. As you enter the building, you're on the Lower Ground Floor level, continue off the tactile matting then turn right towards the Reception and Information desk.

If you want to use the Ground Floor entrance, go up seven steps, turn right, then up 18 steps to the balcony outside the entrance. locate the steps to your left and go up six steps. There are three sets of doors in front of you. The right-hand set was locked at the time of our survey, the middle set (preferred) takes you through a lobby and another set of doors into the North Foyer, whilst the left-hand set takes you directly into the North Foyer.


To Reach the Rear Entrance

From the Subway

Turn left at the first crossing of Argyle Street, into the park and take the path to your right. Follow the right-hand side of the path (cars park on the other side) and continue till you locate a hedge to your right, the building starts here, to your left. As you continue (east) along the path, you pass two bollards, just before the steps leading down to your right towards the forecourt. Beyond these, the building juts out around the lift. You now come under the canopy outside the entrance, locate the steps to your left towards the Rear Entrance.

From Local Buses

The following directions take you via the steps onto the terrace, thence to the rear entrance. If you need step-free access, we suggest you follow the directions to the main entrance, except you take the turning left, across the south side of the building. This brings you onto the terrace from where you can use the lift to get to Ground Floor level.

From the South Side of Argyle Street

Get off at the stop in Regent Morray Street, turn left and locate the crossing of Argyle Street, just west of the junction with Sauchiehall Street. This is a single-stage crossing, with push buttons and rotating cones to your right as you cross in either direction. Turn left and locate the row of bollards across the forecourt to your right.

From the bus stops on the North Side of Argyle Street

Get off at either of the stops just west of the rear entrance, turn right and locate the row of bollards across the forecourt to your left.

If you pass the second bollard, from either direction, you should avoid a series of posts between you and the building. Continue (north) towards the steps, in front of you, go up one flight of steps, to the terrace and continue to the steps in front of you towards the rear entrance.

There's a hand rail up the left-hand side of these steps, you go up one flight of steps towards the doors.

There are three sets of doors to this entrance. The left-hand set is partially automatic, being operated by a button between the two pairs of doors. In the middle is a revolving door, whilst to the right, is another set of pull doors. All these take you into the South Foyer.

If you need the lift, ascend to Ground Floor level. You come out facing east towards an automatic door which opens as you approach. Turn left, immediately outside this door and locate the push button between the doors in front of you, you enter into the South Foyer.

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