This information is sponsored by the Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design, City University
From Angel Underground Station to Main Reception From Main Reception to Angel Underground Station |
Our route takes us from the concourse, along Islington High Street to the junction of City and Goswell Roads, which we cross. We continue along Goswell Road, crossing six side streets, till we reach Spencer Street, the first traffic light controlled crossing. Having crossed Spencer Street, we turn right into Ashby Street and follow this into Northampton Square, then up the steps into Main Reception.
Describe Online has published a text guide to Angel Underground Station.
Leave the concourse via the exit nearest the gates and turn left along Islington High Street. Continue, ignoring the first tactile paving which indicates a Pelican crossing over the High Street and take the next crossing, over City and Goswell Roads. This is the easiest place to cross this complex junction. The crossing is fitted with rotating cones and push buttons to either side of the crossing. Cross half way, (you encounter a central island with railings), turn left and locate the post, with rotating cone and push button, in front of you. Turn right and cross the second half of the road then turn left. You're now on the south side of Goswell Road.
After a few metres, the pavement bears right (southeast) along Goswell Road at the start of the one-way system, (traffic coming towards you.)
Note, there's a Pelican crossing to your left after about 30 metres. This would take you across Goswell and City Road in three stages, through complex moving traffic. Don't take this!
Cross Owen Street, pass a Pelican crossing over Goswell Road and cross the entrance to City and Islington College.
Cross Owens Court (being demolished at the time of our survey). There's a Pelican crossing over Goswell Road.
Cross Friend Street, tactile paving no kerb. The one-way system on Goswell Road ends here, there may be a Pelican crossing under construction at this junction.
Cross Rawstorne Stffeet, then Manningford Close, the latter had no tactile paving at the time of our survey.
The road veers slightly right, pass a large tree to your right, before you reach Spencer Street, which is a traffic light controlled junction.
Each arm of the junction between Goswell road and Spencer Street has a Pelican crossing which had no rotating cone at the time of our survey. The post with the push button is to your right. Cross to the central island and locate the post with the push button to your left and cross the second half of the road.
Continue, passing two trees to the right hand side of the pavement, followed by a phone box. The request bus stop for the 4 and 56 towards Essex Road and Highbury Corner, is to your left just past the phone box.
Before you reach Ashby Street, you may find a railing which extends beyond the foot of a flight of stairs. This is an emergency exit from the University building. Go round this railing and turn right into Ashby Street. After about 100 metres, you bear right into Northampton Square. Follow the square round, across a vehicle entrance, and locate the steps to the University, on your right. This is a double flight, with central and side rails. You go up eight steps, through swing doors then up 16 more, this is a wide flight of stairs. Main Reception is about three metres in front of you.
There are usually plenty of people about who could help you find the stairs, however, the following landmarks were noted at the time of our survey.
Having turned into Ashby Street, follow the kerb, you pass a lamp post, parking post and four metal bollards. After this is a concrete bollard to your right (this is one of a row of bollards across the pavement), there were two portable litter bins before a fixed metal bin which is opposite the foot of the steps.
Our route takes us from Main Reception, down the steps into Northampton Square and then into Ashby Street. We turn left into Goswell Road and cross the traffic lights at Spencer Street and continue, across six side streets to the junction with City Road. We cross this into Islington High Street which takes us to Angel underground station.
As you move away from Main Reception, you reach the stairs down after about three metres. Go down 16 steps, through the swing doors then down eight more steps into Northampton Square. Turn left and follow the square, across a vehicle entrance (not terribly obvious) into Ashby Street. Continue to the corner and turn left into Goswell Road.
As you go towards Spencer Street, you pass the request stop for the 4 and 53, towards Essex Road and Highbury Corner on your right, then a phone box and two trees on your left.
The junction of Goswell Road and Spencer Street is a traffic light controlled junction with Pelican crossings over each arm. There were no rotating cones at the time of our survey. Locate the post and push button to your right of the crossing and cross to the central island. Locate the post and push button to your left and cross the second half of the road. There's a large tree to your left.
As you continue along Goswell Road, the pavement veers slightly left. Cross Manningford Close, there was no tactile paving at this crossing at the time of our survey.
Cross Rawstorne Street,
Cross Friend Street, there was tactile paving but no obvious kerb. The one way system along Goswell Road begins here, with traffic coming from behind you. There may be a Pelican crossing over Goswell Road under construction.
Pass a Pelican crossing over Goswell road then cross Owens Court, this was being demolished at the time of our survey.
Cross the entrance to City and Islington College.
Pass another Pelican crossing over Goswell Road, then cross Owen Street.
You're now near the junction of City and Goswell Roads. Ignore the first Pelican crossing after Owen Street as this takes you across both roads in three stages through complex moving traffic.
The pavement veers slightly left before you reach the second Pelican crossing, which you need. There is a post, with push button and rotating cone, to either side of the crossing. Cross to the central island, you'll encounter railings. Turn left and locate the post, with push button and rotating cone, in front of you. Cross the second half of the road and turn left. Follow round to your right into Islington High Street.
Continue, along Islington High Street to the station. There are two exits leading onto the pavement, whilst the entrances are on and round the corner to your right.
Describe Online has published a text guide to Angel Underground Station.