- From the Roman Road entrance, go down a flight of stairs, turn right and
down another then bear right into the concourse. The steps to the Cambridge heath Road North
entrance are in front of you, with the ticket machines and sales booths
to your right of these.
Note, the first machine accepts notes and credit cards.
The automatic gate line is to your right, the entrance is furthest from you.
The manual gate is recessed right of the automatic gate line, adjacent to
the ticket sales booths.
- From the entrance in Cambridge Heath Road, nearest Bethnal Green Road, go
down a flight of stairs then turn left. Go down another flight and
continue into the concourse.
Bear left from here for the ticket machines; the ticket sales booths are
beyond these.
Note, the first machine accepts notes and credit cards.
The manual gate is adjacent to the ticket sales booths. The automatic
gate line juts into the concourse with the entrance at the left hand end.
- From the entrance in Cambridge Heath Road, further from Bethnal Green Road,
go down a flight of stairs and turn right. Go down another flight and
continue into the concourse.
Bear left from here for the ticket machines; the ticket sales booths are
beyond these.
Note, the first machine accepts notes and credit cards.
The manual gate is adjacent to the ticket sales booths. The automatic
gate line juts into the concourse with the entrance at the left hand end.
- From the Cambridge Heath Road North entrance, go down two flights of stairs then continue
for about 30 metres before going down five more steps into the concourse and
turn left.
The ticket machines are on your left, with the ticket sales booths beyond these.
Note, the first machine accepts notes and credit cards.
The manual gate is adjacent to the ticket sales booths. The automatic
gate line juts into the concourse with the entrance at the left hand end.
Note that there is little room in the concourse for the ticket queues, so
the area before the entrance and manual gates is usually crowded.
Go through the gates and take the left hand (working) escalator, into
the circulating area.
As you are supposed to move clockwise through the station, you should
reach platform 1, westbound via the third passage on your right and
platform 2, eastbound via the first passage on your left.
You're about in the middle of the trains.
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© 2003 Terry Robinson