There are three lifts within the station itself:
In addition we include the lifts between the Ticket Hall and Mall levels and the North and South exits.
The lift is north of the top of the escalators, the call button (Down) is to your right (south) of the door, you go in facing east.
The lift is at the far (west) end of the passage to the right (north) of the escalators. The call button (Up) is to your right of the door, you go in facing west.
There are spoken announcements.
There’s a control panel on each side with buttons arranged from the top:
Note, there's no Level -1 at this entrance.
The lift is at the far (north) end of the short passage leading from the East Exit. The call button (Up, but unmarked) is to your right (south) of the door, you go in facing east.
The lift is at the far (west) end of the short passage beside (north of ) the escalators from the East Exit. The call buttons Up and Down, but unmarked) are to your right (north) of the door, you go in facing west.
The lift is on the west side of Montgomery Square. The call button (Down, but unmarked) is to your right (north) of the door, you go in facing west.
There are two control panels, the one on the south side has buttons arranged horizontally at wheelchair height, whilst that on the north has buttons arranged vertically.
The lift is north of the top of escalators 1. The call button is to your right (south) of the door, you go in facing east.
The lift is off the west end of platform 2 eastbound, the call button (Up) is to your right (north of the door, you go in facing west.
There’s a control panel on each side with buttons arranged, from the top:
Leave the Ticket Hall via the South Exit through push doors. Continue south along a short passage then go through another set of doors going south. Bear left (southeast), between "News on the Wharf" and the escalators and go through the door in front of you. The lift is to your left (east), the call button (Up) is to your right (south) of the door, you go in facing east.
The lift is at the east end of the passage to toilets, on the opposite side of the passage to the escalators. The call button (Down) is to your right (north) of the door, you go in facing west.
The control panel is on the north side of the lift with buttons arranged, from the top:
As you leave via the North Exit, go through the doors then turn right (east) to the lift. The call button (Up) is to your right (south) of the door, you go in facing east.
Leave the East Mall via the west passage leading south. Continue through the doors, the escalators are to your right (west) with the lift beyond (south of) these. The call button (Down) is to your right (north) of the door, you go in facing west.
The control panel is on the south side with buttons arranged, from the top:
© 2012, Terry Robinson