From the Earl's Court Road Entrance From the Warwick Road Entrance |
Having entered the Earl's Court Road entrance, you can either continue forward, down eight steps into the concourse, or take the turning to your right and go down the ramp. You go down (north) then turn left (180 degrees), down south before turning right (west) then down into the concourse, just to your right (north) of the foot of the eight steps.
From here, you continue towards the gate line. The ticket sales windows are to your left, there's a Wide Aisle Gate at each end, though we understand the automatic entrances are towards the left-hand end of the gate line. The Wide Aisle Gate at the left-hand end of the gate line is entrance only, whilst that at the right is bi-directional. Go through the gates.
To Platforms 1 - 2, District Line Eastbound To Platforms 3 - 4, District Line Westbound To Platforms 5 - 6, Piccadilly Line |
Move forward to the top of the steps, in front of you (these are to platforms 3 - 4, two sets divided by a central rail). Turn right and go down the other steps to your left, there are two flights, onto the island platforms 1 - 2. Platform 1 is to your right, your near the front of the train.
Move forward to the steps to platforms 3 - 4, then turn right and continue, past the steps down to platforms 1 - 2, to the wall in front of you then turn left into the high level walkway. Follow the left-hand side and take the turning left, towards the lifts. You need the first lift, which is to your right after a few metres. Go down to platform level and leave via the other door, facing west. Platform 1 is to your right, you're about in the middle of the train.
Continue forward down the two flights of steps, in front of you onto platforms 3 - 4. Platform 3 is to your right, you're near the rear of the train. At the time of our survey, the front of the rear car stoppped beside the foot of these steps.
Move forward to the steps to platforms 3 - 4, then turn right. Continue, past the steps to platforms 1 - 2, to the wall in front of you and turn left into the high level walkway. Follow the left-hand side and take the turning left, towards the lifts. You need the second lift, which is to your left at the end of this walkway. Go down to platform level and leave via the other door, facing east. Platform 3 is to your left, you're about in the middle of the train.
The easiest route is via the lifts in the concourse. Move forward to the steps to platforms 3 - 4, in front of you then turn right and continue, past the steps to platforms 1 - 2, towards the wall in front of you, which is the start of the high level walkway. Turn back, following the wall on your left, turn left past a series of cash machines, the wall in front of you contains the entrance doors to the two lifts with the call button between them.
Go down to platform level and leave the lift via the same door, facing west. You're in the second passage from the east end of the platforms. Platform 5, eastbound is to your right, you're about in the middle of the train.
You enter a passage leading towards the gate line. The ticket sales window is to your right before you reach this, the manual gate is at the right-hand end of the gate line and we understand the automatic entrances are next to this. Go through the gates, continue to the corner and follow the passage left.
To Platforms 1 - 2, District Line Eastbound To Platforms 3 - 4, District Line Westbound To Platforms 5 - 6, Piccadilly Line |
Continue, following the right-hand side of the walkway, take the second turning right and go down two flights of steps onto the platform. Platform 1 is to your left, you're near the rear of the train.
Continue to the corner then turn right. Follow the right-hand side of the walkway, take the turning right and locate the lift on your right, after a few metres. Go down to platform level and leave via the other door, facing west. Platform 1 is to your right, you're about in the middle of the train.
Continue, following the right-hand side, take the first turning right and go down two flights of steps onto the platform. Platform 3 is to your left, you're near the front of the train.
Continue to the corner then turn right. Follow the right-hand side of the walkway, take the turning right and locate the lift on your left, at the end of the walkway. Go down to platform level and leave via the other door, facing east. Platform 3 is to your left, you're about in the middle of the train.
Continue to the corner then turn right. Continue to the wall at the end of the high level walkway, turn right, then left and locate one of the two lifts in the wall in front of you, the call button is between the two doors. Go down to platform level and leave via the same door. You're in the second passage from the east end of the platform, platform 5, eastbound is to your rightt, you're about in the middle of the train.
© 2008, Terry Robinson