We understand that the gate line in the Underground concourse has recently been changed to provide a wider walkway past the ticket sales area. The entrance gates are now in a line (running east) to your right of the Wide Aisle Gate, as you enter the station.
Where the entrance gates used to be (leading east), is a barrier which runs south to the line of the exit gates, which appear to be unchanged, except that the manual gate is replaced by a Wide Aisle one.
If you enter from the taxi or Network Rail concourse, continue straight from the end of the passage, past the barrier to your right, till you locate the entrance gates in front of you. The Wide Aisle Gate is at the left-hand end of this gate line.
If you enter from the suburban section, platforms 8 to 11, continue past the exit gates on your right, then turn right and continue forward till you meet the entrance gates, in front of you.
Note that the ticket sales windows are to your left as you reach the start of the barrier on your right.
For the exits. Turn left at the top of the escalator and continue to locate an exit gate in front of you. The Wide Aisle Gate is at the left-hand end of the gate line.
© 2008 Terry Robinson