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From the southbound train, platform 2, go towards the front of the train and turn right through a passage to platform 1. This maintains the intended clockwise movement through this area. On reaching platform 1, turn right.
From the northbound, platform 1, go to the front of the train and go up the stairs in line with the platform. Go up one flight, turn right, go up another flight of steps and follow the passage. The passage passes the downward escalators to your right then veers right after a few metres.
Take the next turning on your right and go up the escalator to the underground concourse which is in front of you.
Continue, Through the Concourse
From the Victoria Line, platform 4, go towards the rear of the train and turn left, ideally into the first passage towards the escalators. Continue to the far side of the central reservation then turn right.
From the Northern line, platform 3, go toward the front of the train, turn right, ideally into the third passage leading towards the escalators and turn left.
The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need, go up to the intermediate level. Continue to the far wall before turning right into the exit passage, take the first turning on your leftand go up the escalators to the underground concourse which are in front of you.
Continue, Through the Concourse
From the Northern line, platform 6, go towards the rear of the train and, ideally, turn left into the first passage towards the escalators, continue to the far side of the central reservation and turn right.
From the Victoria Line, platform 5, go towards the front of the train, turn right, ideally into the third passage towards the escalators and turn left.
The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need, go up to the intermediate level, take the first turning left then turn right and continue up the escalators to the Underground concourse.
Continue, Through the Concourse
From the Northbound Northern Line, platform 3, go to the front of the train and turn right into the last passage on the platform. Take the turning left, go up a flight of stairs, then turn right and go up another onto the bridge, then take the left turn.
From the northbound Victoria Line, platform 4, go to the rear of the train and turn left into the last passage on the platform. Take the turning right, go up a flight of stairs, then turn left and go up another onto the bridge, then take the left turn.
From the Victoria Line southbound, platform 5, go towards the front of the train and turn right into the last passage on the platform. Take the left turn, go up one flight of stairs, turn left and go up another onto the bridge, then take the right turn.
From the southbound Northern Line, platform 6, go to the rear of the train and turn left into the last passage on the platform. Take the right turn, go up one flight of stairs, then turn left and go up another onto the bridge, then take the turning right.
Continue, up one flight of stairs and follow the passage to the foot of the spiral. The spiral goes anti-clockwise up three flights of 17 steps. At the top, follow the passage round to the left and ascend another flight of stairs to reach the intermediate level. Continue forward and go up the escalators, in front of you, to the underground concourse.
At the top of the escalator, turn left and continue forward to the exit gates. There is a Wide Aisle Gate at the left end of the gate line.
To the BusStation To the Mainline Station To the suburban Section, Platforms 8 - 11 To the Taxi Rank |
Continue to the wall then turn right. Follow the wall round to your left into the passage and locate the escalator, (or stairs) to the mainline concourse. At the top, turn right, continue to the south side of the concourse and turn left. Continue to the bus station.
Continue to the wall in front of you, turn right then take the turning left, into the passage. Move to the right-hand side and continue to the lifts, in front of you. See the Lifts page for details. Go up to Level 2, the mainline concourse and turn right.
Follow the right-hand side of the concourse and turn right through the last door on your right, into the plaza.
Continue forward (south), after 10 metres you will cross a shallow depression and 3 metres further on reach a low wall 20 centimetres high. Turn left and follow the wall. After 10 metres or so it begins to curve to the right until you are travelling south. The wall increases to about 1 metre high. Follow this wall south along a passage way (the left side of this contains William Hill, Le Munch Bunch, and the Doric Arch Pub and Restaurant). The passage ends in the north-east corner of the bus station. Turn right for stops D and C or continue to the railings and follow them round to the left to the rest of the bus station, details of which lie beyond the scope of this survey.
Continue to the wall then turn right. Follow the wall round to your left into the passage and locate the escalator, (followed by stairs) to the Network Rail concourse. Turn left at the top, to face the platforms.
continue to the wall in front of you, turn right then take the turning left, into the passage. Move to the right-hand side and continue to the lifts, in front of you. See the Lifts page for details. Go up to Level 2, the mainline concourse, leave the lift then continue to the wall in front of you and turn right. Take the turning left into the concourse, the ticket sales area is to your left and the platforms are in front of you.
Turn left and continue past the shop and turn left again into the passage. Go up a slope, then up two flights of stairs to reach the entrance to the suburban section. For other mainline platforms, turn right (180 degrees)onto the slope up to the Network Rail concourse. When you reach the top, the lower number platforms lie to your left.
continue to the wall in front of you, turn right then take the turning left, into the passage. Move to the right-hand side and continue to the lifts, in front of you. See the Lifts page for details. Go up to Level 2, the mainline concourse, leave the lift then continue to the wall in front of you and turn right. Take the turning left into the concourse, the ticket sales area is to your left and the platforms are in front of you.
continue, past the ticket sales area, customer Reception and Boots, on your left then turn right and take the first turning left, towards platforms 8 - 11. there's a London Midland ticket and information point to your left, just before this turning. Continue, down the ramp. The gate line is in front of you and the ticket sales windows are to your left.
Rather than make your way through the mainline concourse, we suggest you use the more direct routes via the stairs or lifts from the Underground station.
Continue to the wall and turn right, follow the wall round into the passage towards the escalator to the mainline concourse.
Continue, past the escalators to/from the mainline concourse then take the turning left. Follow this passage to the foot of a slope and turn left at the end. Almost immediately, turn right and go up two flights of steps. turn right and continue to the rail in front of you then turn left. You are now on the pavement of the circulating area for the taxis as they move from the drop off to pick-up area. Follow the rail, (dirty) round in a U curve to the right, up a slight slope. At the top of the slope, locate a rail on your left. The pick-up point is just beyond the end of this rail.
See the Lifts page for details. Move to the right-hand side of the passage and continue to the lifts in front of you. Go up to the taxi rank (Level 1), leave the lift, turn right (180 degrees) and continue beyond the wall on your right then turn left. Follow the pavement, down the slope then up again. Move right, follow the rail, (dirty) round in a U curve to the right, up a slight slope. At the top of the slope, locate a rail on your left. The pick-up point is just beyond the end of this rail.
© 2010, Terry Robinson