Note, though this is not the usual route to and from taxis, I think it is easier to navigate than those routes through the Network Rail concourse.
From the foot of the down escalator from the Network Rail concourse, Turn left 180 degrees into a passage (going east).
Note: The passage is poorly lit with a downward slope. The door to the car park is on your right, just beyond the foot of the slope. This door brings you into level 1, levels 2 to 5 are above this.
The passage ends in a blank wall. Turn left (north) then right (east) then ascend steps 7 then 16 going east, to reach the taxi area.
From the top of the steps locate the rail, dirty, on your right and follow this, curving to the right, continue (south) down a slight slope. At the foot of the slope locate a rail on your left and follow this to the end the taxi pick-up point is on your right.
The taxi drop off point is to the right from the top of the stairs from the passage go up a slope and continue after the top - see later.
A fire exit tunnel is straight ahead from the top of the steps rather than following the rail to the right.
On the outside of the curve is a wall with fire extinguishers etc.
To reach the Network Rail concourse, turn left (north) at the top of the steps, ascend 3, turn left (west) up 19, turn right (north) up 9 into the Network Rail concourse.
The taxis drop you off outside an assistance point. This is managed by Network Rail, is normally manned though you can phone for advice and assistance from here.
To locate the underground concourse, leave the taxi and continue north along the pavement, down the slope. The steps to the passage are on your left, shortly beyond the foot of the slope. Descend 16 then 7 going west, into the passage. Turn left, (south) then right )west) and continue, up a slight slope towards the concourse. At the end of the passage, turn right (north). The downward escalators from the Railtrack concourse are on your right. Continue from here towards the ticket sales and gates.
© 2003 Terry Robinson