There is a slope at the west end, the barrier doesn't go to the edge of the platform.
railings steps up to north, not for public use steps down to north, not for public use wall gap with steps down to north, not for public use slope down to north, not for public use |
The rear of the Circle Line train stops here.
railings in front of a recess underneath the west bridge steps from bridge going up, west, wall retreats north to foot of steps fire alarm button billboard seats carnet machine 2 seats vending machine card phone 2 seats vending machine 2 seats west entrance, passage to north with stairs going up east to concourse stairs straight in front, up east to concourse, wall continues beyond foot of steps fire extinguisher |
blank door |
fire alarm button east entrance, passage to north with stairss going up east to concourse seats sand bin blank door |
Wall juts out at the effective east end of the platform.
© 2003 Terry Robinson