Unlike many of our guides, in which we explain the route from a platform then tell you how to reach each other platform, the diversity of routes in this station means that we're better off explaining each change separately.
There is lift access throughout this station. There is also escalator-free access between all platforms.
At each platform, the doors will open on your right as you face the front of the train. There is tactile paving along the edge of each platform.
From Jubilee to Piccadilly From Jubilee to Victoria From Piccadilly to Jubilee From Piccadilly to Victoria From Victoria to Jubilee From Victoria to Piccadilly |
From the northbound, platform 5, go to the rear of the train, take the first passage from the end of the platform and turn left, to the stairs.
From the southbound, platform 6, go to the front of the train, take the first passage from the end of the platform and turn right, to the stairs.
Go up two flights of stairs then turn right into the passage, keep right. After a few metres, the passage veers left. Continue, for over 200 metres, to the end of the passage then turn right. Continue to the end then turn left then right again, down a flight of stairs to Piccadilly Line level. Platform 1, westbound, is to your right, you're near the rear of the train. Platform 2, eastbound is to your left, you're near the front of the train.
From the northbound, platform 5, go towards the rear of the train and enter the second passage from the end of the platform. Pass the steps on your right then locate the door to Lift E on your right.
From the southbound, platform 6, go towards the front of the train and enter the second passage from the end of the platform, the door to Lift E is on your left.
See the Lifts page for details of the lifts in this station.
Having gone through the door at platform level, you have to walk forward a few metres to reach the lift, the door of which will be open, in front of you. Go to the intermediate level, leave via the other door, turn left and follow the passage, which veers left, keeping right, to the T-junction. Turn left then take the turning right towards Lift D.
Lift D, to the Piccadilly line is on your right after a few metres. Go to platform level and leave via the other door. Platform 1, westbound is to your right, you're beside the rear half of the train. Platform 2, eastbound is to your left, you're beside the front half of the train.
This change can be escalator-free, you can take the lower escalator to the intermediate level, or use the lifts.
From the northbound, platform 5, go towards the front of the train and take either the second or third passage from the end of the platform. Cross the area at the foot of the escalators and turn left.
From the southbound, platform 6, go to the rear of the train and take the first passage from the end of the platform and turn right to the escalators.
The right-hand escalator is normally the one you need, go up to the intermediate level then cross the passage. Take the second passage on your left, which veers right after a few metres. Turn right at the end, go down a slope and down a flight of steps to the Victoria Line level. Platform 3, northbound, is to your left, You're beside the rear half of the train. Platform 4 southbound, is to your right, you're beside the front half of the train.
From the northbound, platform 5, go to the rear of the train, take the first passage from the end of the platform and turn left, to the stairs.
From the southbound, platform 6, go to the front of the train, take the first passage from the end of the platform and turn right, to the stairs.
Go up two flights of stairs then turn right into the passage, keep right. The passage veers left after a few metres. Continue, for over 200 metres, to the end of the passage then turn left. Keeping right, continue to the stairs in front of you. Go up one flight, turn left then up another to the Victoria Line level. Platform 3, northbound, is to your right, you're before the front of the train. Platform 4, southbound is to your left, you're behind the rear of the train.
From the northbound, platform 5, go towards the rear of the train and enter the second passage from the end of the platform. Pass the steps on your right then locate the door to Lift E, on your right.
From the southbound, platform 6, go towards the front of the train and enter the second passage from the end of the platform, the door to Lift E is on your left.
See the Lifts page for details of the lifts in this station.
Having gone through the door at platform level, you need to walk forward a few metres to the lift door which will be open, in front of you. Go to the intermediate level, leave via the other door, turn left and follow the passage, which veers left, keeping right, to the T-junction. Turn left then, keeping right, continue to the steps up at the end of the passage. Note that this is about 300 metres in all.
Turn left here, follow the passage which veers right towards lifts B and C, in front of you. Go up to Level -2, Victoria Line, turn left and continue to the T-junction. The steps from the intermediate level are in front of you. Turn left for platform 3, northbound, you're before the front of the train. Turn right for platform 4, southbound, you're behind the rear of the train.
The exit is the second passage from the rear of westbound trains on platform 1, or front of eastbound trains on platform 2. This is actually about in the middle of the platform, the stairs go up towards the rear of the westbound, front of the eastbound trains. If you don't find this, you've come up the wrong stairs.
Turn into the passage, go up the flight of stairs and turn right at the top. Continue into the passage towards the Jubilee Line.
Keep right along this passage, to the end, over 200 metres. The passage veers right as you approach the end. Take the turning right, down two flights of stairs to the Jubilee Line level. Platform 5, northbound, is to your left, you're beside the rear half of the train. Platform 6, southbound, is to your right, you're beside the front half of the train.
From the westbound, platform 1, go towards the rear of the train and enter the second passage from the end of the platform and turn left to the door to Lift D.
From the eastbound, platform 2, go towards the front of the train and take the second passage from the end of the platform then turn right towards the door to Lift D.
See the Lifts page for details of the lifts in this station.
Go to the intermediate level, leave via the other door, turn left then left into the passage then take the turning right. Follow this passage, keeping right for over 200 metres. The passage veers right before you reach the door to Lift E, to the Jubilee Line on your right. Go down to platform level and leave via the other door. You'll have to walk forward a few metres, through another open door before you reach the passage between the platforms. Turn left for the northbound, platform 5, you're beside the rear half of the train, right for the southbound, platform 6, you're beside the front half of the train.
From platform 1, westbound, go towards the front of the train, take the second passage from the end of the platform (excluding the entrance from the escalators) and turn right towards the stairs.
From the eastbound, platform 2, go towards the rear of the train and take the second passage from the end of the platform (excluding the entrance from the escalators) and turn left, towards the stairs.
Go up a flight of stairs then turn right, across the westbound track (slight hump) then turn right again into the passage. Keep right here, continue to the stairs in front of you. Go up one flight, turn left, then go up another flight to the Victoria Line level. Platform 3, northbound is to your right, you're beyond the front of the train. Platform 4, southbound is to your left, you're behind the rear of the train.
From the westbound, platform 1, go towards the rear of the train and enter the second passage from the end of the platform and turn left to the door to Lift D.
From the eastbound, platform 2, go towards the front of the train and take the second passage from the end of the platform then turn right towards the door to Lift D.
See the Lifts page for details of the lifts in this station.
Go to the intermediate level, leave via the other door, turn left then right into the The passage. Keeping right, continue to the foot of the steps to the Victoria Line, at the end. Turn left here and follow the passage which veers right towards lifts B and C, in front of you.
Go to Level -2, Victoria Line and leave via the same doors. Turn left and continue to the T-junction. Turn left for platform 3, northbound, you're before the front of the train. turn right for platform 4, southbound, you're behind the rear of the train.
This change can be escalator-free, though you'd normally take the passage to the intermediate level then take the lower escalator down to the Jubilee Line.
There is also lift access between these platforms.
From the northbound, platform 3, go to the rear of the train and take the second passage from the end of the platform and turn left to the steps.
From the southbound, platform 4, go to the front of the train and take the second passage from the end of the platform and turn right to the steps.
Go up a flight of steps and turn right. The passage slopes up slightly at first, then veers left after a few metres. Turn right at the end, towards the escalators. The right-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go down to the Jubilee Line level.
For the northbound, platform 5, take the first passage on your right onto the platform, you're near the front of the train. For platform 6, southbound, take either the second or third passages on your left, you're about in the middle of the train.
From the northbound, platform 3, go towards the front of the train, take the second passage from the end of the platform and turn left to the stairs.
From the southbound, platform 4, go towards the rear of the train, take the second passage from the end of the platform and turn right to the stairs.
Go down two flights of stairs, bear right, then bear left and take the right turn and, keeping right, follow the passage then take the next right turn. Follow this passage, for over 200 metres, the passage veers right a few metres before the end. Turn right at the end and go down two flights of stairs, to the Jubilee Line level.
Platform 5, northbound, is to your left, you're beside the rear half of the train. Platform 6, southbound, is to your right, you're beside the front half of the train.
See the Lifts page for details.
From the northbound, platform 3, go to the front of the train then take the passage nearest the end of the platform and turn right.
From the southbound, platform 4, go to the rear of the train and take the passage nearest the end of the platform and turn left.
The doors to lifts B and C are on your right after a few metres. Go down to Level -3, leave via the same doors then follow the passage, which veers left then take the turning right. Continue, up the slope, then take the turning right and follow the passage, at least 200 metres. The passage veers right before you reach the door to Lift E, to the Jubilee Line on your right. Go down to platform level and leave via the other door. You'll have to walk forwards a few metres, through another open door before you reach the passage between the platforms. Turn left for the northbound, platform 5, you're beside the rear half of the train, right for the southbound, platform 6, you're beside the front half of the train.
From the northbound, platform 3, go towards the front of the train, take the second passage from the end of the platform and turn left to the stairs.
From the southbound, platform 4, go towards the rear of the train, take the second passage from the end of the platform and turn right towards the stairs.
Go down two flights of stairs, bear right, then take the right turn and, keeping right, follow the passage, up the slope, to the end. Turn left, continue to the wall then turn right, down a flight of stairs to the Piccadilly Line level.
Platform 1, westbound, is to your right, you're near the rear of the train. Platform 2, eastbound, is to your left, you're near the front of the train.
See the Lifts page for details.
From the northbound, platform 3, go to the front of the train then take the passage nearest the end of the platform and turn right.
From the southbound, platform 4, go to the rear of the train and take the passage nearest the end of the platform and turn left.
The doors to lifts B and C are on your right after a few metres. Go down to Level -3, leave via the same doors then follow the passage, which veers left then take the turning right. Follow this passage, up the slope, ideally keeping right, though you're looking for the first turning left, towards the lift.
Take the first turning left and locate the door to Lift D, on your right after a few metres. Go down to platform level then leave via the other doors. Platform 1, westbound is to your right, you're beside the rear half of the train. Platform 2, eastbound is to your left, you're beside the front half of the train.
© 2011, Terry Robinson