The help points in this station consist of a circular housing with a breakable glass fire alarm button at the top, a larger (green) emergency button in the middle and a smaller )blue) information button towards the bottom.
The speaker and mic grill are to your left of the buttons.
In the Western Concourse at Level 0
- On the right-hand (north) side, between the phones and the stairs up to Level 1 Of St Pancras Station;
- in the far right (northwest) corner, as you enter from Pancras Road;
- on the south side, immediately to your left as you enter from Euston Road North.
In the Western concourse at Level -1
- a few metres from the lift, on your left as you come out at Level -1;
- just beyond the foot of the slope, before you reach the Tube Concourse;
At Level -2 in the Tube Concourse
- on your left as you leave the escalators from the Victoria Line, between the escalators and the passage to the Metropolitan Line.
On the Metropolitan Line Platforms 1 - 2
In the East Section of the Central Reservation
- between the foot of the steps from the Tube Concourse and the first gap to platform 1;
- between the two gaps to platform 1.
The West Section of the Central Reservation
- on your left as you leave the lift, before you reach the fire doors.
Platform 1, Westbound
- between the west end of the platform and the first entrance
- just before the blank door, about in the middle of the platform
- just before (west of) the second entrance from the east end.
Platform 2, Eastbound
- near the west end of the platform, just beyond the blank door
- about in the middle of the platform, just before the blank door
- just before (west of) the first entrance from the east section.
The Northern Line
In the Level -2 Passage from the Foot of the Escalators from the Northern Concourse
- On the right-hand (west) side, just before the passage crosses the tracks, as you approach the platforms.
Platform 7, Northbound, from the East
- just before the second passage, at the beginning of the loading hump
- just beyond the middle passage between the platforms
- just before the second passage from the end of the platform
Platform 8, Southbound, from the East
- Just beyond the top of the slope to the loading hump
- just beyond the middle passage between platforms
- just before the second passage from the end of the platform
The Piccadilly Line
In the South Section of the Central Reservation
- On the right-hand (east) side, between the exit from platform 5, westbound and the gap towrds the Northern and Victoria lines
On Platform 5, Westbound
- just beyond (north of) the entrance from the Tube Concourse;
- beyond the first passage between platforms;
- just before (south of) the passage towards the lift to Level -2.
On Platform 6, Eastbound
- just beyond (north of) the exit towards the Tube Concourse;
- just beyond the passage between platforms;
- just before the passage towards the lift to Level -2.
The Victoria Line
In the West Section of the Central Reservation
- on the left-hand (north) side, before the entrance to platform 4, southbound.
In the East Section of the Central Reservation
- On the west side of the second passage, opposite the space between the lift and steps.
On Platform 3, Northbound
- just beyond (east of) the entrance from the Tube Concourse;
- just beyond the first passage between the platforms;
- just beyond the second passage between platforms;
- just beyond the passage towards the Pentonville Road exit.
On Platform 4, southbound:
- between the second and third gaps towards the escalators to/from the Tube Concourse;
- just beyond (east of) the first passage between platforms;
- just beyond the second passage between platforms;
- just beyond the passage towards the Pentonville Road exit.
In the Passage Between the Piccadilly and Northern Lines
- On the right-hand (west) wall, just after the left turn.
In the Level -1 Passage
As we're asked to keep left, this list follows the left-hand side of the passage.
Going Away from the Tube Concourse
- at the top of the first ramp, before the fire doors;
- beyond the foot of the first ramp down, opposite the entrance to King's Cross Mainline.
Going Towards the Tube Concourse
- just before the foot of the first ramp.
In the Northern Concourse
Outside the Gates
- on the wall of the Northern Concourse, opposite the beginning of the glass wall beside the escalators.
Inside the Gates
- On the west wall, between the lift to Level -2 and the gate line.
In the passage at Level -1 Towards St Pancras Station
We presume you keep left, there's a help point just before you reach the Northern Concourse.
In the Level -2 Passage
This list starts from the T-junction, leading east.
Left-Hand Side
- just before the fire doors into the area at the top of the escalators to the Piccadilly Line;
- on the far (east) wall, between the top of the escalators and the passage towards the Victoria Line;
- between the Piccadilly and Victoria lines, just after the turn left, before the passage narrows with hand rails;
- beyond the Victoria Line, on the upward slope after the left turn.
On the Right-Hand Side
- beyond the Victoria Line, on the upward slope after the left turn.
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© 2011, Terry Robinson