There are three lifts in this station:
Inside the lift, the buttons are arranged from top to bottom: alarm, up then down. There are spoken announcements.
Outside the lift, the call button is to your right of the door as you face the lift. A beep can be heard as the lift approaches.
The lift is at the far (south) end of the passage along the left-hand (east) side of the concourse, you enter facing south.
The lift is at the far (northeast) end of a passage leading away from each platform. This is the last passage leaving the platform from the rear of westbound or front of eastbound trains. You enter the lift facing north.
The lift is located on the left-hand (north) side of this concourse, in a recess, you enter facing east.
The lift is in a passage leading east then north from the southeast corner of the space outside the gates. You enter facing east.
The lift is on the left-hand (west) side of the space inside the gates - to your left (west) of the top of the escalators to the Northern Line. You enter facing north.
The lift is at the far (south) end of the passage leading away from the platforms. This is the last passage at the rear of northbound, front of southbound trains. You enter facing south.
© 2008, Terry Robinson