
There are two exit routes from this station, one via the lower concourse to street level via the east or middle exit, the other via the Metropolitan Line concourse. As the name suggests, the Metropolitan Line concourse offers the easiest route from platforms 1 - 6, via the bridge, whilst exit from the other platforms is easier via the lower concourse. If you need a bus, however, we recommend you exit via the lower concourse, through the middle or east exits.

Whilst you could go from the lower concourse, via the subway, then via the bridge to street level via the Metropolitan line concourse, this is a very tortuous route for little gain at street level, we will therefore disregard this option.

Note, there is no tactile paving along the edge of any platforms in this station.

From Which Platform?

  From Platform 1, Metropolitan Line Eastbound
From Platforms 2 - 6, Metropolitan Line Westbound and Terminating Services
From Platforms 7 - 8, Northern Line
From Platforms 9 - 10, FCC Stevenage Services

From Platform 1, Metropolitan Line Eastbound

The doors will open on your left as you face the front of the train. Note that the rear carriage stops on a very narrow section of the platform.

Go beyond the front of the train and locate the steps in front of you. The steps up to the bridge are to your right of the steps down into the subway.

Via Which Exit?

  Via the Metropolitan Line Concourse
Via the Middle or East Exits
Via the Metropolitan Line Concourse

Go up a flight of steps, turn right and go up two flights of steps, continue over the bridge and turn left before the top of the downward steps. There's a Wide Aisle exit gate in front of you. Go through the gate and continue forward onto the west side of Moorfields.


Via the Middle or East Exits

Go down a flight of steps then continue forward, up a flight of steps and follow the passage into the lower concourse. There's a manual gate at the leftt-hand end of the gate line in front of you, whilst the exit gates are at the right. Continue forward, through the gates.

Continue, past the ticket sales windows and the other gate line to your left and locate the steps up to the middle entrance on your left, or continue to the steps to the east entrance, in front of you.

For the middle exit, go up three flights of steps to the passage, turn right for Moorgate, or left for Moorfields.

For the east exit, go up a flight of steps, turn left, up a flight of steps then left again and up a flight of steps to Moorgate.


From Platforms 2 - 6, Metropolitan Line Westbound and Terminating Services

From the Westbound Metropolitan Line

If you arrive via the westbound Metropolitan Line, the doors will open on your left as you face the front of the train. Go beyond the rear of the train and locate the steps in front of you. The steps up to the bridge are to your right of those to the subway.

From Terminating Services

If you arrive via the FCC or terminating Metropolitan Line service, the doors will open on your left at odd numbered platforms, or right for even. Go beyond the front of the train. From the Metropolitan Line, the steps up to the bridge should be in front of you, whilst from the FCC, you'll have to move left to locate these steps. The steps down to the subway are to your left of those up to the bridge.

Via Which Exit?

  Via the Metropolitan Line Concourse
Via the Middle or East Exits
Via the Metropolitan Line Concourse

Go up four steps, turn left then go up two flights of steps and turn right. There's a Wide Aisle exit gate in front of you. Go through the gate and continue through the exit onto the west side of Moorfields.


Via the Middle or East Exits

Go down a flight of steps, turn left (180 degrees) then go down another flight of steps. turn right, go down a flight of steps then follow the passage, which veers right then left again, before going up a flight of steps. Turn right and go up a flight of steps then follow the passage into the lower concourse. There's a manual gate at the leftt-hand end of the gate line in front of you, whilst the exit gates are at the right. Continue forward, through the gates.

Continue, past the ticket sales windows and the other gate line to your left and locate the steps up to the middle entrance on your left, or continue to the steps to the east entrance, in front of you.

For the middle exit, go up three flights of steps to the passage, turn right for Moorgate, or left for Moorfields.

For the east exit, go up a flight of steps, turn left, up a flight of steps then left again and up a flight of steps to Moorgate.


From Platforms 7 - 8, Northern Line

The doors will open on your right as you face the front of the train. You need to go into the middle of five passages between the platforms. The two passages near the front of southbound (rear of northbound) trains are entrances, the one at the other end of the platforms is a through passage and the other one is an escalator-only route to platforms 9 - 10.

Go into the passage and take the turning left (southbound) or right (northbound). If you don't find this, you're in the wrong passage. Go up a flight of steps, turn right and follow the passage to the end before turning left towards the escalators. The right-hand escalator is normally the one you need, go up to the lower concourse. There are exit gates in front of you and a manual gate at the left-hand end of this gate line. Go through the gates and continue forward, past the ticket sales windows and the other gate line to your left.

Beyond this second gate line, you can either turn left to the middle exit, or continue forward to the steps in front of you, to the east exit.

For the middle exit, go up three flights of steps then turn right for Moorgate, or left for Moorfields.

For the east exit, continue up a flight of steps, turn left then go up a flight of steps before turning left again and going up another flight of steps to Moorgate.


From Platforms 9 - 10, FCC Stevenage Services

The doors will open on your right if you arrive on platform 10, otherwise on your left. The escalators to the lower concourse leave from platform 9.

If you arrive on platform 10, go through one of the gaps onto platform 9 and turn left. Note that the two gaps beyond the front of the train don't lead through onto platform 9.

On platform 9, go beyond the front of the train, to the escalators. The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go up to the lower concourse.

As you reach the lower concourse, continue to the wall then turn right. There are exit gates in front of you. Go through the gates and turn left.

From here, you can turn immediately left to go up the steps to the middle exit or continue forward, for the steps to the east exit.

For the middle exit, go up three flights of steps then turn right for Moorgate, or left for Moorfields.

For the east exit, continue up a flight of steps, turn left then go up a flight of steps before turning left again and going up another flight of steps to Moorgate.

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© 2009, Terry Robinson