From the Circle and District Lines, Westbound From the Circle and District Lines, Eastbound From the Bakerloo Line |
The doors open on your left as you face the front of the train.
For the Praed Street Exit For the Mainline Station |
Go towards the rear of the train and turn into the passage nearest the end of the platform. Turn left, go up two flights of steps, turn left again and up another flight of steps onto the bridge.
Take the turning left into the concourse and bear right towards the exit gates. There's a manual gate at the right-hand end of the gate line. Go through the gates and turn right, up a flight of steps onto the pavement.
Go towards the rear of the train and take the second passage from the end of the platform. Turn right and go up a flight of steps onto the bridge. Turn right, continue to the wall in front of you then turn right again, down a flight of steps. Take the turning left, after a few metres and continue towards the gate line, in front of you. The exit gates are to the left-hand side of the gate line and the manual gate is to your right of these. Go through the gates and continue, up the escalator, or two flights of steps, into the mainline concourse. You're about opposite platform 5.
The doors open on your left as you face the front of the train.
For the Praed Street Exit For the Mainline Station |
Go toward the front of the train and take the first passage from the end of the platform. Turn right, go up two flights of steps then turn right again. Go up a flight of steps onto the bridge and take the turning right into the concourse. The gate line is in front of you, with the exits and manual gate towards the right-hand end. Go through the gates, turn right and go up a flight of steps onto the pavement.
From the front of the train, you should take the third passage from the end of the platform. Take the turning right, then left towards the gate line. The exit gates are to the left-hand end of the gate line with the manual gate to your right of these. Go through the gates and continue, up the escalator, in front of you, or two flights of steps into the mainline concourse. You're about opposite platform 5.
The doors open on your right as you face the front of the train.
The entrances/exits are about in the middle of these platforms. You should take the passage nearer the rear, (eastbound) or front (westbound).
From the Westbound, turn right (left from eastbound) towards the escalators, the upward escalator should be to your left. Go up the escalator, bear left towards the gate line. The exit gates are towards the left-hand end, whilst the manual gate is to your right. Go through the gates.
For the London Street Exit For the Mainline Station |
Follow the right-hand wall and take the turning to your right. Go up three flights of steps onto the pavement.
Turn left and follow the passage, which veers left. Go up a flight of steps into the mainline concourse. You're opposite the tracks for platforms 11 - 12.
Note that the tracks for platforms 11 and 12 extend southeast of those for the rest of the platforms served by the concourse. For lower numbered platforms, turn left and follow the wall round into the main concourse.
© 2004, Terry Robinson