The exit is the first passage from the rear of the westbound, front of the eastbound train.
The doors open on your right as you face the front of the train. Go to the rear of the train (westbound), or front (eastbound) and take the first passage from the end of the platform. Take the turning left (westbound), or right (eastbount), go up a flight of stairs and turn right.
As you follow the left wall, the entrance to the spiral staircase is the first turning, followed by the two lift entrances.
Take the first turning on your left and follow the wall on your right till you reach the foot of the stairs. Go up six flights of stairs, spiralling clockwise then follow the outer wall and go up the final (straight) flight of stairs to the concourse. Continue, through the passage into the concourse and bear left (about 10 o'clock) to locate the exit gates. The barrier is in front of you, with the assistance booth to your right and the manual gate to the left of this.
The lifts are operated automatically. An audio indicator sounds whilst the doors are open. Note, when you enter the lifts, that the exit doors will also be open.
At the top, turn right and follow the passage round to your right into the concourse. You'll turn 270 degrees in all.
As you enter the concourse, turn left for the exit gates. The assistance booth and manual gate are at the far end of the gate line.
Go through the gates and continue forwards, down two steps onto the pavement.
© 2003 Terry Robinson