You can either use the bridge or subway, note that there is no step-free access to the westbound, platform 1.
From Platform 1 to 2 Via the Bridge From Platform 1 to 2 Via the Subway From Platform 2 to 1 Via the Bridge From Platform 2 to 1 Via the Subway |
Go to the rear of the train and continue to the gates. The manual gate is to your left of the gate line. Continue forward to locate the upward stairs to the bridge. If you locate the downward stairs to the westbound concourse, move to your left to find the upward ones. Go up a flight of stairs, turn left up another. (this part of the bridge is divided into two lanes by a rail, you're asked to keep right). Continue, down a flight of stairs, turn left, down another to platform level. The automatic gates are in front of you, go through the gates onto the platform. If you prefer to use the manual gate, turn right, into the ticket sales area, the manual gate is on your left. Go through the gate then bear left onto the platform. You're at the front of the train.
Go to the front of the train and continue forward to locate the gates. The manual gate is to your left of the gate line. If you use the automatic gates, move to your right and continue forward to locate the stairs to the bridge. If you use the manual gate, you enter the ticket sales area, go through the doorway on your right into the other part of the concourse, continue to the wall and turn left to locate the stairs. Go up a flight of stairs and turn right, up another. (this part of the bridge is divided into two lanes by a rail, you're asked to keep right). Continue, down a flight of stairs, turn right, down another to platform level. The gates are in front of you, the manual gate is to your right of the gate line. Go through the gates onto the platform, you're at the rear of the train.
Go to the rear of the train and continue, to locate the gates. The manual gate is to your left of the gate line. Move to the right wall and continue down seven steps into the westbound concourse. Leave the concourse through one of the three exits on your right, turn left and follow the wall till you reach the slope down to the subway. Continue to the bottom, turn left, continue to the end before turning left again up the slope. Continue forwards, the east entrance (directly onto the platform via automatic gates) is in front of you. If you prefer to use the manual gate, turn right and locate the west entrance, on your left, into the ticket sales area. The manual gate is in front of you. Go through this and bear left onto the platform. You're at the front of the train.
Go to the front of the train and continue forward to the gates. The manual gate is to your left of the gate line. Go through the automatic gates and continue forward through the concourse, onto the forecourt. If you find the stairs to the bridge, move left to avoid these and continue into the concourse. If you prefer to use the manual gate, continue forward, through the ticket sales area onto the forecourt. Move to the wall on your right and continue forward, avoiding the bike stands and phone boxes, to the slope into the subway. Go down this and turn right at the bottom. Continue to the end and turn right again, up the slope. Continue from the top, following the building round to your left then right again, to locate the entrances to the westbound concourse. Go into the concourse and turn left, up seven steps to platform level. The gates are in front of you, the manual gate is to your right of the gate line. Go through the gates, you're at the rear of the train.
© 2003 Terry Robinson