The doors open on your left as you face the front of the train.
Go to the rear of the train and continue to the gates. The manual gate is at the left hand end of the gate line. Go through the gates and take the downward stairs, which are to your right of the upward ones onto the bridge. Go down 7 steps into the westbound concourse. There are three exits onto George Lane East, on your right. The Zebra crossing is opposite the middle exit.
Go to the front of the train and continue to locate the gates. The manual gate is to your left of the gate line. If you use the manual gate, you enter the ticket sales section of the eastbound concourse. Continue via the "west exit", into the forecourt. If you use the automatic gates, continue forward to the exit. If you find the upward stairs to the bridge, move left and continue to the exit. This is the "east exit" to the forecourt.
© 2003 Terry Robinson