
The station is located beneath the junction of Tottenham Court Road (from the north), New Oxford Street (east), Charing Cross Road (south) and Oxford Street (west). The Centre Point tower is on the southeast corner of this junction, between New Oxford Street and Charing Cross Road.

Entrances and Exits

There are six entrances/exits, one emerging on each corner of the junction, another emerging on to a side road round the south and east sides of Centre Point Tower and the sixth entrance emerges onto Charing Cross Road, to the south of Centre Point, at the junction with Andrew Borde Street.

These are designated:

From Exit 1 to the Main Concourse

Locate the entrance, in the row of shops on the south side of Oxford Street, a few metres west of the junction with Charing Cross Road.

Go down nine steps, going south, to a T-junction with a blank door in the wall in front of you. Turn right, to maintain the clockwise flow, and right again, (north) to go down eight steps, going north. Bear right to avoid a wall with blank doors in front of you, locate the passage and go down 13 steps, going north, use the left-hand stairs. Turn right (east), go down ten steps, going east, continue down a slight slope; the passage curves to the right and back again to the left. Continue up the slope. The wall juts out before you enter the main concourse from the west.

From the Main Concourse to Exit 1

Exit 1 leaves the main concourse from the southwest corner. Turn left (north), then left again (west) from the top of the escalator, go through the exit gates in front of you and continue forwards to locate the exit.

Follow the passage down a slight slope, the passage curves left, then right again, up a slope. Continue west, go up ten steps, going west, turn left (south) and go up 13, then eight steps going south. Turn right, then right again and go up nine steps, going north to reach the south side of Oxford Street, a few metres west of the junction with Charing Cross Road.

From Exit 2 to the Main Concourse

Although apparently designated "exit only" we noticed people using this as an entrance too.

Locate the stairs in the middle of the pavement on the west side of Tottenham Court Road, a few metres north of the junction with Oxford Street.

Go down 16 then 20 steps, going south, into the northwest corner of the main concourse.

From the Main Concourse to Exit 2

Exit 2 leaves from the northwest corner of the main concourse. Turn left (north), then left again (west) at the top of the escalator and go through the exit gates in front of you. Bear right, (about 2 o'clock) to locate the exit.

Go up 20 then 16 steps, going north to reach the west side of Tottenham Court Road. You are a few metres north of the junction with Oxford Street.

From Exit 3 to the Main Concourse

From the Pelican crossing on the east side of Tottenham Court Road, follow the textured pavement about 5 metres forward before turning right and locate the stairs into exit 3. Go down 19 then 19 steps, going south into the main concourse. You enter approximately in the middle of the north side of the concourse.

From the Main Concourse to Exit 3

Turn left (north) from the top of the escalator and go through the exit gates in front of you. Continue, straight to locate the exit. Go up 19 then 19 steps, going north, to reach the east side of Tottenham Court Road, a few metres north of the junction with New Oxford Street.

From Other Exits to the Main Concourse

These exits lead into a subway from which you go down 20 steps, going west, into the northeast corner of the concourse.

From Exit 4, on the South Side of New Oxford Street

Locate the stairs adjacent to those from Centre Point Tower and go down ten then ten steps, going south to reach the subway then turn right to the steps into the concourse.

From Exit 6, Centre Point Gym Entry (East of Centre Point Tower)

Go down eight, 14 then six steps, going west, to reach the subway. Note the lip before the top step and the trough after the bottom one. Turn right (north) and follow the subway round to the left (west) to the steps into the concourse.

>From Exit 5, South of Centre Point

Locate the steps, just north of the junction of Charing Cross Road and Andrew Borde Street, go down 13, then 13 steps going east to reach the subway. Follow the subway left (north) and left again (west) to the steps into the concourse.

From the Main Concourse to Other Exits

The subway, signed as "To Exits 4 and 5", is accessed from the northeast corner of the main concourse.

Tyrn left from the top of the escalator, through the exit gates in front of you and bear right (about 2 o'clock) to locate the foot of the stairs. Go up 20 steps, going east into the subway - the stairway curves slightly to your right.

Continue along the passage, the first turning on your left is exit 4. Going north, go up ten then ten steps, going north, to emerge on the south side of New Oxford Street a few metres east of the junction with Charing Cross Road. At the top, turn left 180 degrees to locate the stairs up to Centre Point Tower.

The subway turns right (south) beyond the foot of the stairs to exit 4. Beware an alcove in the east wall with a grid sticking out at head height.

Continue south, past the Zone 1 Coffee Bar (internet cafe) on your left, to locate the steps to the Centre Point Gym Entry, exit 6, on your left. Go up six, 14 then eight steps, going east. Note the lip on the top step and the trough before the bottom one. The steps occupy the whole width of the pavement, you are in a side street which curves round the east side of Centre Point to emerge on New Oxford Street.

The subway turns right, (west) go up 13 then 13 steps, going west on to the east side of Charing Cross Road north of the junction with Andrew Borde Street.

Local Road Crossings

There are crossings located a few metres from each corner of the junction, however, these have no pedestrian control and we suggest you use the entrances/exits of the station to cross roads at this junction.

There is a Pelican crossing opposite the top of the stairs from exit 5.

Local Buses

Most of the nearby bus stops have been removed since our original survey. The only one we found within a short distance was beside exit 4, which emerges on the south side of New Oxford Street. Stairs to Centre Point Tower are adjacent to the exit (180 degrees left turn). Bus Stop U, serving 14, 19, 38, N19 and N38 is located about 10 metres east of the exit. The 14 is a 24 hour service, note this is an alighting point only.

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© 2008 Terry Robinson